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Vassan Ramracha

Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture are complimentary to each other. Cancel Culture leaves no space for dissenting opinions. Anyone having an opinion in opposition to standard Leftists Socialist Ideology will be cancelled out. Critical Race Theory is based on the premise that America [ USA ] was founded by WHITE RACIST people who committed genocide on Non-White People and needs to be taught in the school curriculum to starting with your toddlers.

Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture are social compact movements that are coined by mostly radical leftist socialist democrat academic Black Americans and their radical leftist elitist liberal white counterparts to change the historical course of history in the USA with a racist leftist agenda against the Founding Fathers who made America a great democratic Super Power Nation. Yes, all nations are imperfect and the founding fathers were imperfectly great men but what other nation on earth has welcomed so many different people, races and religions and gave them equal opportunities to work, play and sit on the highest seats in the land. Everybody will face challenges in a new society that is nature and natural. However, these leftists want to paint America as a land of hate and racism to suit their agenda.

Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture is in fact base on hate, reverse racism and anti – White sentiment marinated with Communisms and is worse than the C-19 Coronavirus that will reduce the Greatness of America and its Citizens to a wondering underdeveloped nation.

However, if we are going to teach Critical Racist Theory we must also teach what is logical. The doctrine of Critical Race Theory in the school curriculum must teach Not only who committed genocide in America [ North America / South America ] and the Caribbean, but ALSO who benefited and was ACCESSORY to the Crimes. If you commit a crime and your peers stand and watch and don’t speak up they are accessory. Not all European nations were colonizers but minorities like to remind them they benefitted from the colonization due to their whiteness. Well minorities are guilty too, here’s how. Fair is fair.

Black people [ African People ] took part together with White people in killing off indigenous people who now are the inheritors of said countries. Many blacks were in the armies of the U.S.A. when they forced native people off their lands. They did not speak up or even resist?

In fact all people [ East Indians – Chinese, Blacks and Whites ] who live on Indigenous People land is as guilty as White People who benefited from what the Colonial White Man did. The people who came as slaves and indentured people we are all educated and know better now, let us return the land to the natives and if not you are accessory. If you are not a slave or indentured person and you migrated here to the western world, the Americas (North, South and Central) in modern day even after hearing how the white man killed natives to get this land on your iphone, computer, television and radio and you came for a better life and opportunity you are worse than the slave and indentured who brought here against their will. You knowingly came to take more native land in modern times when everybody is conscious of what the white man did and everyone is woke. If you bought your land from the bank you are buying stolen property and everyone is an accessory to the original crime. Don’t eat what white man hunted and claim you are vegetarian.

Blacks want Reparations but Not repatriation from land belonging to indigenous people. As long as any Race that’s not indigenous people practicing their indigenous religion are living in the ‘NEW WORLD’ it is just as sinful as the White Colonial Man. They want reparations for slavery but they do not want to give back the land to the natives. If you collect reparations, collect a ticket back to your original continent in Africa or Asia and give back the land to the natives. For the very least you cannot collect the reparations and the colonizers must give you all the resources of the land and the land? Was independence and the land and the resources not enough reparations?

Today Black people are now part of the Royal Family by choice who had enslaved them and even adopted their Slave Master’s names, religion, titles and citizenship by choice Mountbatten, Anglican, Prince/Duke and British, and living in the original enslaver household. They willing went back to the house that ordered the enslavement? Are these black British royals going to collect reparations too?

How can anyone ask for Reparations without Repatriation and NOT be part of the ‘Colonial White Guilt?’ Critical Race Theory / Culture Change is a bankrupt racist movement that needs to be cancelled out by the logic of the Republican Capitalist Conservative thinking people. If you can’t return native land and answer for your accessory to the crimes committed stop helping socialists destroy America. It’s for everyone to enjoy we have all come a long way. No other country on earth will roll out a red carpet for a non-white like America. Don’t destroy a good thing.

By the way, the radical leftism that has been engulfing America which was made obvious by Trump recently is what India has been heaving under for the last 70 years under the Gandhi-Nehru Congress party. They have vilified India, India’s history and all of her heroes which is why we hear nothing about them. But mostly they have maligned and disparaged the Hindu religion and abused the Hindu people for the sake of political correctness. Minorities have more rights in India than a Hindu has to practice their religion what was done in race in America is done with religion in India to destroy the country. Radical Leftist Socialism wants to destroy America and it has marinated with Hindu hatred in India to destroy the Hindu religion and India. The only way to accomplish this is with the last two remaining outposts of freedom and logic in America and India, conservative capitalist Republicans and Modi/BJP’s Hindutva (essence of Hindu Dharma) Vision.

Vassan Ramracha
Swami Vaskananda. – CEO OF THE INDIAN RACE.

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