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Capt Gary Griffith of Trinidad and Tobago: *Hinds needs to get over his Tabanca with me and focus on his job*


The below was released by the leader of the NTA:

At last night’s PNM political meeting in Barataria, Fitzgerald Hinds said he wants to do a comparative analysis between my performance as Commissioner of Police and Erla Christopher’s. Typical classless approach by Hinds and the hierarchy of the PNM, to attack a former CoP for political gain, it is also unfair to Christopher, because she simply hasn’t been in the job long enough to do a proper analysis, and even if we use the Merit List assessments, it’s no contest, since before the process appeared to be manipulated by politicians in 2022, in the hope that they could convince people that scores could magically flip overnight, the difference in our scores in 2018 was 30 points when I scored 82 points, while Christopher scored 52 points, and in 2021, it was 20 points, when I scored 94 points to Christopher’s 74. 

But since Hinds is attempting to rewrite history by saying the same untruths over and over again, another often used tactic of this Rowley led PNM, I will share the facts which occurred during my tenure as CoP. 


*The highest reduction in crime in history with my last full year in office having 342 murders, the lowest in 20 years, which on my departure was followed by the highest spike in crime in our nation’s history. 


* Public trust and confidence in the TTPS was 14% when I took charge of the TTPS, and it was 55% when I left. It is now probably back down into the teens.


* When polled 89% of citizens either wanted me to return as CoP or had no issue with it.  

It is the last point that bothers Hinds the most, and it is behind his feeble attempt to pit me against Erla Christopher, because unlike me, on the opposite end of the spectrum, Hinds’ unpopularity amongst the population, which he himself said was 70%, is only unmatched by the view that he is not just the most incompetent Security Minister ever, he is the most inept Minister in our history, period.

So trying to come to terms with the proverbial collective floodwater citizens are kicking on him, in the hopes that he’s replaced, Hinds’ own insecurities are overwhelming him, and it is perhaps informing his obsession which sees him speaking about me, in between bouts of sleeping on the job.

It is unfortunate that Rowley’s real biggest mistake continues to hold such a pivotal position in government, because actual lives are at stake, which is why I will advise him to focus on the needs of the country and not me, because I’m unavailable.

Gary Griffith 

NTA Political Leader


WhatsApp: 482-Gary [4279] / 483-Gary [4279]

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