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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Dear Editor,

Christians are committing most of the heinous crimes in Trinidad because it’s a failed religion. The Christian-led government and

its Bishop and Priests and all its healing powers cannot tame

their flocks. Instead, these evangelists weaponize their communities

with the Bible. These Christians are adamant to convert Hindus.

These Christians must understand that the greatest’s gift Indians

gave to Trinidad and Guyana is Vedic Sanatan Dharma [ Hinduism] that

maintains the greater share of civility in Trinidad / Guyana.

 When the present Bishop of Trinidad stated that crimes in Trinidad

 cannot be stopped and the Government cannot stop

the crimes in Trinidad that has reached murder heights of 600 plus

for 2022 this can only be understood that the teaching of Christs

is a failure to its flock.

What is the sense having more Christian schools and churches 

that cannot advance their flocks to be civil and industrious.

 The Bible says,’ Psalm 23;4 Even though I walk through

the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil – – – ,’

these Christians especially the Indian Priests is not taking

the Bible to the valleys in the north of Trinidad but to the

plateau of Central and South Trinidad where Hindus predominate.

 Why are these Christians messengers of Christ avoiding

   high crime areas and coming to Hindu areas with their pollution?  

Hindus in Trinidad are the stabilizing factor that have a great

balance of civility in Trinidad and that is why Hindus practice

Karma Yoga to be combative to protect Dharmic Values to

save Trinidad as a failed state.

 Vassan Ramracha –   Shubh Nayaa Saal .   Happy New Year 2023.

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