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Delusions of Victory

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

For all Kamla’s sycophants who still believe that she’ll lead them into the corridors of power once again, who base their wild imaginings on her stint as PM between 2010-2015 when she held office not so much as a political figure but as a cinematic Santa Claus forget or refuse to remember the many questionable shenanigans – Reshmi, for instance – she committed, and which, consequently, saw her lose her 29-12 majority, must ask themselves what is Wade Mark still doing in the Senate and how is he contributing to the party’s chances of winning the hearts and index finger of voters.

To say again, there is a difference between a political leader and a party leader. The political leader is really the public relations face and voice of the party. In this context, skirt length, shade of lipstick and androgynous pompadour aka boycott, matter – especially to the lower IQ members of the party.

The party leader has the responsibility of a building contractor ensuring that he gets the best material (personnel) from foundation to finish so things don’t fall apart at the first seismic shakeup. Via the Senate, Parties have a readymade opportunity to select future candidates whom may be groomed accordingly. Wade Mark has been around the political circuit since the last century or millennium and his claim to fame are his number of defeats at the polls, his rooster-crowing, hiccup-speaking style and his starring role on the rundown.

If Kamla was serious about winning anything, Mark would have never been in the equation, but for those conspiracy theorists who say Kamla is Rowley’s most diehard supporter; that, for example, she built up his image by taking him as her sidekick to Mandela’s funeral when she might have taken a potential UNC leader; and while in 2020 defeat of the PNM was just a formality, Kamla chose to lose by assembling the worst candidates ever chosen in this country by either party and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as life for her continues as if all is honky dory.

So for all you sycophants, ask Kamla, ask yourselves, what are Mark, Sobers and couple other losers doing in the Senate?

L. Siddhartha Orie

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