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Empty vessels make the most noise – politics in Guyana

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

The proverb “Empty vessels make the most noise,” was physically demonstrated at the press conference held last Wednesday by a shepherd in search of a flock. Dismantled by those who have lost confidence, disbanded by those seeking alternatives and disenchanted by those refusing to listen to the monotony of cluelessness, he stands short of a length, alone on slippery ground and surviving in a vacuum. He badly and sadly relies on an ailing aide who is limping and lamenting as a lost and croaking lark. The ever faithful “man’s best friend” to round up the flock, is grappling on any straw to repaint a darker shade of dignity in his dusking days with slivers of “spinning yarns.”

As a man fighting for survival at the helm, the figure-head’s leadership is in jeopardy as his “empty rhetoric and no action” was dismissed as “substance-less!” Adding nothing new with foresight, he continues to meander in hindsight and mingles with meaninglessness as he meddles without purpose, pride or priority. His political past-time is past bed-time as he professes the proficiency of a disillusioned professional. Drained for ideas, he has nothing refreshing to invest in innovation and thus, his initiative to intimate any interest, implores him to attempt to impress others while intoxicated with impoverished innocence!

In the good, old days, those growing up on the sugar plantations would recall fearlessly running after cane carts filled with canes and pulled by tractors, while being transported from the fields to the factories. The enticement of pulling canes from those carts, attracted all small boys as they eyed the juicy sugar canes with zest and zeal. In similar fashion, little minds are hunting the haunting honor of leading this nation. But there is a well-oiled motor which is maintaining the unattainable lead and gaining monumental momentum, to keep the priced prize out of their greasy grasps.

Yet again, school days were happy days in the country areas as small children would be seated on the ground under a huge tree which would provide shade with its large branches and many leaves. The clean, fresh air would invigorate you as you would pay attention to the teacher seated on a chair in front while at times, being disturbed by the persevering red or black ants running on your exposed legs and penetrating your skin with a sting. Yes, a usual sight was the site of pit-latrines for us students. It was a natural norm! There was no indecency in such decency!

While sitting outside enjoying the blessings of mother nature and an environment of relaxed discipline, the thunderous roar of empty cane carts running away by speeding drivers on their tractors, would fill the air with the sound made by noisy chains as they clang against each other on the road, filled with holes. Occupied with their own objectives, the tractor drivers with the empty carts were oblivious of those around them and unconcerned with the ruckus they made. Yes, empty vessels do make loud noise.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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