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Phillip Alexander

The government of Trinidad & Tobago from inception to now seems more bent on the hegemony of power than in representing the people. The laws in place that bar public servants from contesting elections and those that require others in state employ to seek permission to engage in the process of this democracy need to be rubbished. Because they have never been challenged Constitutionally does not mean they are correct, lawful or even legal. The courts have the power to order them repealed and we intend to take them before the courts as far as is required to achieve justice.

One of our Deputy Political Leaders has been before a tribunal since 2020 with no end on sight, a matter we intend to carry all the way to the highest authorities including the Privy Council should that be required, unless of course, we in the Progressive Empowerment Party achieve political authority before it is resolved as we have every intention of repealing any such rules and removing any and all impediments and draconian obstruction to democratic political participation.

As Political Leader of a political movement that commands a large organic following of persons who want more civilization and democracy for this hamstrung society, it falls to me to call on all the people of this country to help us achieve political power, so we can break for good those impediments to their natural and entitled freedoms.

Today one of our candidates got a call from a superior who said he in turn received a call from a higher-up informing him that he would have needed permission to participate in an election. We informed the candidate that like with our other member, we would stand by him to the very end, and have already referred the matter to our attorneys.

We in the Progressive Empowerment Party continue to stress that none of us can truly be free as long as any of us are not free, free to speak, free to assemble politically, and free to participate in the process.

We have as our intention the breaking of antiquated rules and repealing of laws that prevent us from embarking on true sovereignty.

We again announce our commitment to the complete redevelopment of Trinidad & Tobago from the ground up, and call on ALL the people to put us into Office but also into power so that we can act on their behalf in right-sizing this wrong side artificial republic.

Phillip Edward Alexander, Political Leader
Progressive Empowerment Party
14 – 17 Park Street Victoria Square
Port of Spain
682 2110

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