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Erla is the symptom not the cause

Erla is the symptom not the cause

As the country witnesses unprecedented levels of crime, inclusive of murder and home invasions, and with most living in constant fear of being the next victim of murder, rape or kidnapping, it is understandable why so many have resorted to blaming Erla Christopher as head of the TTPS.

But whilst Erla appears to be the designated scapegoat, those truly responsible for our chaotic state are the persons behind her appointment, namely members of the PolSC, the President who appointed them, and politicians who may have appointed compliant persons, or persons they could easily influence, coerce, or intimidate into doing their bidding.

The country should never forget that after the meeting at President’s House between PM Rowley and Former Chair of the PolSC, Bliss Seepersad broke the law by illegally suspending a Commissioner of Police. Then President Paula Mae Weekes also acted outside the bounds of her constitutional duties by refusing to send the Merit List to Parliament, and members of the PolSC board all resigned, in “disgust” at Rowley’s actions.

That same President then appointed another PolSC which comprised persons with no law enforcement experience, such as a speaking consultant and an accountant, who got to choose who was on the new merit list for Commissioner of Police, and they placed Erla as their top choice.

In 2018 when experts who do assessments for top CoP positions across the world, completed their assignment locally, Erla placed 12th, some 30 percentage points behind who placed first. And in 2021 with the merit list prepared by the Bliss Seepersad PolSC, again compiled by experts, she was 20 percentage points behind the person who placed first.

In defence of Erla Christopher however, she didn’t impose herself on us, she was thrust upon us as a virtual political appointment, after she applied for a job, and an incompetent or compromised PolSC, saw it fit to move her from the bottom of the table to the very top. So if it is anyone who should immediately resign, it is the members of this present PolSC.

And having done this, those responsible recently saw fit to give her a one-year contract extension, even though she had the worst start statistically of any CoP in the history of our country. Which means she enjoys the full support and endorsement from the PolSC, and more importantly from this Keith Rowley led administration.

So whenever we are tempted to blame Erla Christopher for the state of our country, please remember that Keith Rowley, the man who loves to thump his chest and say he is head of the National Security Council, is the one actually responsible.

No better evidence of this is his insistence on keeping Fitzgerald Hinds as Minister of National Security, even though Hinds has repeatedly demonstrated his inability to do the job, as well as his lack of care and concern for the safety and security of citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.

Gary Griffith
NTA Political Leader
WhatsApp: 482-Gary [4279] / 483-Gary [4279]

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