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Guyanese $ Trinidadian Americans Condemn Attempted Assassination of Trump

Dr. Vishnu Bisram

Dr. Vishnu Bisram

Guyanese, Trinidadian, and other Americans supporting both major political parties in USA, as expressed at mandirs and on the streets and in conversations, are stunned by the attempt to take out former President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon at a rally in swing state Pennsylvania. It is the talk everywhere and it has also been dominating mainstream news.

The shooting took place in Butler County area where there is a Hindu Ashram visited by this writer several years ago; Guyanese and other Indo-Caribbean and Asian Indian people regularly worship at the Ashram. It is a hard core Republican area, Trump country. The Trump rally had a massive crowd. The attack was shocking and Indo-Caribbean people from that Commonwealth State are outraged at the violent attack on the former President. Guyanese and other Indian Caribbean people describe it as despicable, fearing it could lead to reprisals. Trump leads in Pennsylvania and most of the battleground states that will determine who wins the Presidency in the November general elections. Significant numbers of Guyanese, Trinidadians support Trump including in several battleground states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Guyanese and other Americans of all political persuasions strongly condemn the attempted assassination of Trump. They all speak in one voice that there is no place for violence in politics in America or any country. They wish President Trump well and the two surviving victims of the shooting a speedy recovery. They also express sympathy for the family of person who was killed just behind Trump – in a sort of way may have saved the life of the President and off course his family; the Pennsylvania Governor calls him a hero. They were Trumpites.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

In conversations, Guyanese, Trinis and other Americans thank the lord that the assassination of the former President failed. World leaders also condemn the attempt on the President’s life. President Ali must have done same. Republican Guyanese, mostly Indians of Hindu and Christian background, are convinced that the attempt on the former President’s life will help him with sympathy votes in the November elections. Trump was leading in the opinion polls till now. Republican Guyanese and many supporting the Democrats now feel Trump will win by a landslide and his popularity (long coattails) will help Republicans on ‘down ballot’ to win the Senate and House, Governorships, state legislatures, and other offices in closely contested seats.

Democracy must not be defeated by violence. Political disagreements are expected in any democracy. They must be resolved with ballots not bullets. Violence is not an option in any situation! The Indian Guyanese Americans and those in Guyana as well as Indian Trinidadians and the other sections of the diaspora, indeed all Americans and people overseas, are commended to condemn the attempt on the life of the former President and presumptive nominee of the Republican Party that holds its national convention this coming week to officially nominate Trump and his Vice President pick. (Just a side note: The republican and democratic conventions are attended by delegates who were elected in free and fair elections by the members of each party and not hand picked as in in the congresses and convention of parties in Guyana).

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