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How The Truth Offends

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

The ostrich with its head buried in the sand is a damning analogy of those who have eyes to see but prefer to turn a blind eye to the truth. We live in a world where historians so mangled the truth that history needs to be rewritten if it allows us to see what really happened in the ages gone by.

For instance, my history book refers to a British soldier as Clive the Great when it should have been Clive the Criminal as he locked away in a dungeon now wretchedly known as the Black hole of Calcutta where over a hundred prisoners were suffocated to death and for which he got his noble designation: “Great!”

So much of history is now being overturned as it is being dissected by the modern-day seekers of truth who are not satisfied with the watered down bootlegged information we have been fed with for centuries.

Long story short, lots of persons are coming down hard and criticizing our Miss World entrant because she dared speak the truth. Nothing as far as I know that she said was concocted from any fictional source. This country is no paradise and if the poet Milton saw this country now sliding down the abyss, he might re-issue his book, “Paradise lost.”

We were once a country that you could have associated with the word paradise but what obtains today, the high death rate (on all fronts) the extortionate food prices, the roads with more and bigger holes than a graveyard and the innumerable cases of poverty that we have and which for those who live oblivious to this truth find Miss Brandt’s statement offensive.

When we should be celebrating her for having the wisdom and courage to stand and speak out on an issue that exists for real, we prefer she had used a more powder puff approach (as beauty queens are wont to do) and camouflaged the warts and pimples of our society as if this is fantasy island.

If there is still freedom of speech here, on the day she returns from the contest – whether she won or loss – both Rowley and Kamla should be at the airport to welcome her simply for standing for the truth and she should be bestowed with some exalted national award just to show ours is an enlightened society and not one that competes with totalitarian states around the world just to see which is evilest.

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