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Kamla’s Charade: A Masterclass in Political Manipulation

Dr. Devant Maharaj

In the immediate aftermath of MP Rushton Parray’s legitimate demand for the United National Congress (UNC) to conduct its internal elections in accordance with constitutional mandates, the political arena witnessed a meticulously orchestrated parade of endorsements for the incumbent, Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Like clockwork, an avalanche of support for Kamla inundated both social and mainstream media platforms. This sudden flood of endorsements doesn’t just raise eyebrows; it screams of a deliberate, top-down manipulation strategy to consolidate power. Who are they trying to deceive?

The truth, as stark as daylight, reveals a leadership that not only actively solicits but practically coerces support for Persad-Bissessar. Insiders whisper of personal calls made by the leadership to “encourage” public declarations of allegiance to Kamla. This isn’t mere politicking; it’s an audacious attempt to engineer consent and quash dissent within the party ranks.

Under Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s stewardship, the UNC has transformed into a fortress of autocracy, where every constitutionally mandated internal election becomes an opportunity to postpone democracy and demonize those daring to challenge the status quo. The pattern is unmistakably clear: whenever the time comes for internal democracy to flourish, Persad-Bissessar and her cronies devise new pretexts to delay the electoral process and vilify the brave souls striving for a democratic UNC.

This isn’t just about internal party politics; it’s a glaring example of how political leaders can manipulate democratic processes to cling to power. The question we must all ask ourselves is: “Who does Kamla think she’s fooling?” It’s time to demand transparency, integrity, and democracy within the UNC. The future of our democracy is at stake, and we must not allow it to be hijacked by those who fear a fair fight. Let’s not be fooled by Kamla’s charade. It’s time for genuine democracy to prevail within the UNC.

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