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Latest statement by Minister of National Security confirms why crime is escalating in Trinidad and Tobago

Gary Griffith

The vast majority of the country were already fully aware that the present Security Minister is totally out of his depth, as it pertains to his role and function. However, his latest comment verifies why we are sinking daily, and losing the battle against crime.

A previous Prime Minister once made an absurd statement that all it takes to lead the Ministry of National Security is common sense and a level head. Nothing could be further from the truth, as it requires proper leadership, understanding how to measure performance and make all accountable, and to have an understanding of the Ministry that you lead. Sadly, for a Security Minister to make a ludicrous comment that “the jury is still out as to whether unemployment is a factor that influences crime”, but he is more convinced that porn and violent movies are, has now removed him from the category of having common sense, or even a level head.

When I was invited to this forum hosted by the Confederation of Regional Business Chambers, and was told that Hinds would be making a feature address as it pertains to the cause of crime, I sent an RSVP, with regrets, by stating that anyone who attends, would leave that forum, feeling a bit more dumb and confused, after hearing what Hinds had to say on the topic.

I was not wrong.

This individual continues to put politics above and beyond anything else, so instead of him ascertaining facts, and facing reality to then acquire what are the real causes of crime, so he can implement proper policies, he would instead eliminate, trivialise or ignore anything that may be seen as affecting his political party, and instead always puts blame on those politically opposed to him.

This is not to totally eliminate or trivialise the theory of violent movies at times being a catalyst to cause a few to have violent behaviour, but so too is substance abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, conflict at home, and aggression, to name a few.

However, to put all his eggs in this basket, and based on his fear of facing reality to understand that unemployment is indeed a factor that can cause crime, he tries to disregard it, as it may be seen as the Government’s fault, so he turns to finding an issue that the Government cannot be blamed for. And in typical mode as his dictatorial leader, he tries to point fingers at society or parents for what “he feels” is the main cause, that being porn and violent movies.

Criminology is a Science. It is not about personal and gut feelings, or making crime fighting decisions based on common sense or a level head. But this is what happens when someone totally ignorant to such a Ministry takes control, upon which the tools, funds and resources are diverted in the wrong direction. Due to the baseless theory and view of this Minister, the taxpayers could very well end up seeing more State funds being used to stop young people watching a John Wick movie in Movie Town, than a Government finding ways to curb unemployment.

Based on criminology, it is stated that crime is a product of opportunity, and the greater the deterrent, the less likely that persons would commit crime, because of the greater opportunity of them being caught.Criminology is also based on extensive research and interviews, little of which is done by some of the criminologists in our country who speak the most, but give personal views and assumptions.

This is not criminology.

A perfect example of this is a certain local criminologist who kept saying that crime was drastically reduced under my watch because of covid, yet he never interviewed one felon, so his comment was based on gut feeling, and in total contrast to what was seen in Jamaica, Guyana and almost every city in US, where crime escalated when covid was relevant, and in contrast, crime started reducing after covid. However, not one media reporter has ever asked these criminologists, when they share their wild theories, if they did any research or conducted any interviews, and if they did not, it means their view is as relevant as any citizen making one based on gut feeling.

The reason for the drastic reduction in crime under my watch was using the scientific approach of criminology, via conducting interviews, and acquiring facts and data. After doing so, you can utilise your resources in an effective and efficient manner.

The same refers to the ridiculous comment by Hinds, stating that “the jury is still out ” as it relates to whether unemployment is a factor that increases crime. In the UK, criminologists interviewed tens of thousands of felons who committed robbery and asked them why they commit crime, and over 95 % stated that it was because of the need for money, and most was because of them being unemployed. It is not a justifiable excuse, but it is an example to show how using a scientific approach, can assist a Government in knowing what is the cause of crime, so their resources and funds can be used in a more productive manner.

Failure to do so, may cause incompetence to kick in, with a Security Minister then trivialising factual data for the cause of crime, because it may affect the image of his political party, due to high unemployment being revealed as a factor that has caused crime to increase, and instead, we may see a new crime plan, of forming a well armed “Violent Movie Rapid Response Police Unit”, to barge into a theatre to stop that next John Wick movie.

Gary Griffith
NTA Political Leader
WhatsApp: 482-Gary [4279] / 483-Gary [4279]

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