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Letter to the Editor – Strong objection to removal of Columbus


Photo : Paras Ramoutar

It is totally disgusting for nationals of Trinidad and Tobago to call for the dismantling of Columbus Statute and also to change the names of streets which link us to the British tutelage.  And doing so would rob our younger generation of the history of this once peaceful land, which is now marred by crimes, political protests by so-called Black enthusiasts. We cannot build a nation by destroying our past, and put on new names in our land.

Mr. Editor, if this is so, then we should, also erase the names of Eric Williams on the Mt. Hope Medical Complex and the Financial Building on our buildings, because less than 50 per cent of the people of Trinidad and Tobago are aware of Dr. Eric Williams as our first Prime Minister and Dr. Rudranath Capildeo as the first Leader of the Opposition in an Independent Trinidad and Tobago. Just to reflect a bit, both of them were in the forefront in our Independence talks in London, in May 1962.

This is definitely not the way to go as we continue to give those who are now calling for Columbus’ head and other relics to respond.

No Mr. Mayor, no Mr. Prime Minister you have to stop this talk which is now hitting the airwaves of this land. Mr. Prime Minister you have to take bull by its horn and stop this nonsense. Otherwise, it could be the cause of another 1970 crisis, and believe you me, it is going to be catastrophic, far beyond the 1970 and 1990 turmoil! Probably, this motely group of irresponsible leaders has an agenda, far beyond the thinking of our security or political acumen.

The development of a nation must include our past, our present and our projections for the future. There are more, much more issues facing Trinidad and Tobago, than dismantling the statute of Columbus, who brought with him a civilization which we endure even today.

Remember we are in a global civilization, and what affects one nation, ultimately affects the global society.

 We are in an election mode, and this issue of discomfort and Black labels should be thrown in the dustbins of history.

All of us should be working towards the working of eliminating COVID 19, and espousing ideas, thoughts and manifestoes for the rebuilding of Trinidad and Tobago, and ultimately the world community.

We need to heed the teachings of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela who were genuinely interested in teaching someone who wants to learn instead of someone who just grab the headlines for their personal ambition.


Former Councilor. CAPARO

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