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Maha Shivaraatri on Thursday Evening

Lord Shiva

On March 11th, 2021, Hindus celebrate the glorious and powerful occasion of Maha Shivaraatri, and the Sanatan Vaidic Dharma Pandits’ Sabha of Region Three takes much pleasure in wishing all a blessed observance.

Maha Shivraatri is a unique celebration of life and the Ultimate Truth. It’s the night when we recognise, or at least strive to recognise, the centre of life – the source of existence, truth and beauty – by directing our thoughts and activities to the Supreme Self by worshipping the center of life force; that is, the Shiva Linga which represents the natural cosmic rhythm and flow of the Higher Energy.

On the blessed occasion of Maha Shivaraatri, we encourage all to join as we salute the Great Self, Mahadeva, Lord Shiva.

The poet par excellence Tulsidas prayed thus: “We reverence the Sovereign Lord, the bestower of salvation, the omnipotent and all-pervading Absolute, manifest in the form of the Vedas! We worship the self-contained, the unqualified, undifferentiated, desireless intelligence, the heavens themselves wearing the heavens as His garment. We bow to the supreme Lord, who is formless, the source of the sacred syllable OM, symbolising Brahma, the noumenal Self of creatures which transcends all conditions and states, beyond all speech, understanding or sense-perception, gracious, abode of virtues, Immortal.” (Uttar Kand. 107.2-3)

Once again, a Blessed Shivaraatri to all!

Om Namah Shivvaaya!
Yours sincerely,
Sanatan Vaidic Dharma Pandits’ Sabha, Region 3, Guyana

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