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National Transformation Alliance Media release


The National Transformation Alliance views with deep concern comments made at yesterday’s Emancipation Day celebrations, by Fitzgerald Hinds advising that the Cabinet has agreed on plans to ensure the granting of applications for the use of State and / or agricultural land is balanced.

Speaking on behalf of Prime Minister Keith Rowley, Hinds implicated not only himself, but the entire Cabinet in a plan, that according to him, is already afoot, to openly practice State supported prejudice. This sets a very troubling National precedent as it opens a pandora’s box, where questions may be asked if similar criteria will be applied to create balance based on race on all National Sporting teams, or in the military, or the Police Service, or within CEPEP teams, and the granting of all State contracts. Once this precedent has been set, and openly articulated, where does it end? Is it that the Cabinet, according to Fitzgerald Hinds, has adopted a position of raced based assignment of State resources?

According to Hinds, this newly adopted process enjoys the unanimous support amongst Cabinet, however, the NTA reminds the Cabinet, that the criteria for the granting of state resources should be based on suitably qualified persons who applied, and that race and ethnicity should never be a determining factor. The NTA suggests, rather than deny those who applied the opportunity to be considered because they may not qualify based on their race, that emphasis be placed on education and awareness of opportunities available to encourage a wider network of applicants.

Finally, whilst recognising the historical and cultural challenges faced by some persons of the Afro-Trinidadian community, we urge its members to reject this plan, which only serves to further sow divisions. Instead, embrace our collective identity as Trinbagonians, and join with the NTA as we unite our nation, never forgetting our National Motto – Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve.

WhatsApp: 482-Gary [4279] / 483-Gary [4279]
Communications Unit of the NTA

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