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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Trinidad celebrated its 60 years of Independence this year Augusts 31 / 22. Most of the Independence shows or parades were well choreographed and designed to show Black / African achievements by the Black ruled PNM party for 50 interrupted years..

Despite 50 years of PNM rule with an OIL / GAS economy making Trinidad the 4th highest standard of living in South America and the Caribbean with 36 states Enterprizes from OIL – REFINERY TO STEEL MILL – Trinidad is now importing Gasoline. Black Trinidadians like the FALSE FANTASY that Trinidad is the LAND OF PARADISE even though our Country that the WHITE PEOPLE / Columbus left for us has about 500 murders per year which is our greatest criminal GDP for Trinadad.

None of our main industries is functioning to its capacity and the agriculture sectors are only alive by some private farmers. Today, Trinidad is now taking marching orders from MUD COUNTRY GUYANA, begging for its oil.

What has Trinidad accomplished under Black rule PNM – government for 50 years based on their boasting ” we invented the PAN and CARNIVAL, wine up and wine down”. People from all over the World comes to Trinidad to celebrate in our rich creolize culture to jump up and down and leave their SHIT in the hotels for us to clean. This is Independence for Black people.

Independence for Black / African people begun from 1956 – till 2022 with African people controlling the Narratives be it the ECONOMY, THOUGHT PROCESS on CULTURE and EDUCATION and BEHAVIOR in Trinidad. On the other hand we have clueless inactive handicap political Indian leaders and intellectual PHD UWI and Think Tank INDIANS refusing to publicly address Racisms against Indians.

50 years of Black rule have regulated Indians to stay put and be good boys and girls while their districts are ignored without adequate infrastructure’ [ water, roads, schools etc.] The PNM party instead built stadiums and more stadiums.

Can Indians take another 50 years of destructive PNM rule? Will Indians by means of their political leaders and OUR PHD think tanks instead pave another avenue to PARTITION – Trinidad to save our Indians’ souls? Or will they continue to roll over for another 50 years.


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