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PEP Leader asks why not Symposium on Cost of Living

Phillip Alexander

You’re hosting a symposium on crime today? You should be hosting a symposium on the cost of living.

Ask these questions: Why aren’t we growing food? Why are bank fees depleting depositors’ resting funds? Why are the costs of basic hardware materials and medications so high? You want to tackle crime but ignoring the number one driver of crime? If people cannot live, what are they to do, die? The well-being of ALL citizens is the function of government. The purpose of government. People with incomes and responsibilities don’t have time for crime. The prices of homes whether rented or mortgaged should be affordable so that all who want one could get one. That ONE thing would protect the family, and end all the crime. The cost of LIVING should preoccupy every office of state. Busy yourself bringing the important things within reach so people don’t think their labour would be in vain.

This country was far too rich to have so many people this poor. Have a symposium on that. I will gladly attend and show you how to reduce the costs of food, housing and medications, and how to establish financial service regulations that protects depositors from rapacious banking fees. Crime in Trinidad is a symptom of poverty and the narcotics trade. Secure the borders both legitimate ports and the coastline. Every pleasure craft port should be paying for customs and immigration officers. Sonar buoys and drones could do what the Coast Guard won’t. And you can’t bribe a drone. More guns in society and militarizing the police are NOT the solutions.

There are steps to be taken long before that illegal gun ends up in that criminal’s hand. Stop the guns. And stop the young people having to choose crime to survive. If you stop the inflow of guns you could put a bounty on the illegal guns and law enforcement would pick the country dry. It could be fixed. We just have to want to.

Phillip Edward Alexander
Giving a Voice to the People.

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