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Phillip Alexander

The announcement of Christine Kangaloo as the government’s nominee for President makes a mockery of all those who have served in the office before.

While it can never be depoliticized owing to the nature of how power is wielded under our Constitution, it ought not to be overtly politicized and that is precisely what the nomination of Christine Kamgaloo does.

Is she a red herring meant to cause outcry so she could be pulled and the government’s real nominee then announced? 

As bait and switch is standard operating procedure of this administration one might expect so, as simply nominating someone from the belly of the PNM can do nothing good for the Office of President, the government, or the country as a whole.

As it is the Office of President is treated as a joke. if it were the government’s intention to scandalize its reputation further, then this would be the way to go.

The Progressive Empowerment Party joins with all right thinking citizens in the outright rejection of Christine Kangaloo for the post of President of the Republic, and calls on the government to stop playing politics with the institutions of state.

Phillip Edward Alexander 

Political Leader 

Progressive Empowerment Party PEP

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