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Much has been said for and against the passing of the Queen depending on the timeline of each generation. My parents and fore parents had a bittersweet relationship with the Queen within the timeline of Colonization and oppression.

However, within my timeline the Queen and its Royal Family do not represent an institution of Colonization as in my fore parents’ timeline.

The Royal Family of England and Queen Elizabeth 11 and the English people of England have evolved in my generation timeline that allows my non-Whites and even non-English into their Royal Family.

Today in Egland an Indian [ Rishi Sunak] almost made it to be Prime Minister of England and still have a chance in the future.. Indians in England, Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA are one of the most successful ethnic groups economically.

The point I am trying to make is discussing the past is relevant but do not follow those lefties who want to stay in the past.

We Indians must stay within our timeline and ask are we living in a time of Jim Crow and Colonization? Or are we living in a society with the normal prejudices as in all countries?

In England most Indians [ Hindus] are fearful of radical Muslims

who create a negative impression for all minorities and

that is why Right-wing conservative are on the rise as in Italy, Sweden and America.

In my Timeline in America and Trinidad I am more fearful of a non-White than White People.

In America a percentage of Indians are caught up in America past and not judging America has evolve that Blacks own the Presidency and Other minorities hold high positions as Governors and Mayors.

The institution the Queen represents in the past is not the same in my timeline generations so I say may she RIP.

We Indians of today’s generations must address our present status with other ethnic groups and not get stuck up with only White Colonization.

Stay in your present timeline. I am.

Vassan Ramracha. – SITA RAM

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