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Photo : Manny Budhu

Mr. Vassan Ramracha’s recent article on “Indian apologist” hit the mark. For some insane reason, Indian intellectuals/leaders/appeasers believe for peace, to exist Afro concerns must be satisfied. Indian apologists don’t believe in justice, revenge, or partition, so what do they really believe in?  Well, the only thing left is appeasement. Usually, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Twenty-three years of appeasement has left the PPP weaker than ever, their opponent stronger.

 The PPP’s responses to PNC’s destabilization efforts is a good case in point. We were told that the Hermanston Accords will solve things until we need the St. Lucia agreement. Indians were told that forgiveness for PNC criminals in 1992 would lead to unity, that failed, Gov’t funds for Afro empowerment in 1998, that failed, Hermanston accords/St Lucia agreements (that violated the constitution) failed. Appeasement after anti-Indian attacks/massacres after 2001, that failed.  On and On, we’re told these actions will buy peace, but in reality, it was a smart strategy employed by the PPP opposition.  The Jews warned the world about the dangers of appeasement, few listen.

 I remembered reading a cable on the “unity talks” between the PNC/PPP around 1979.  The cable revealed the talk is just a rouse, to get the PPP’s leadership to believe a united force is possible, thereby limiting their desires, to undertake more radical measures. Burnham played Jagan like an angler baiting a fish. Today the PNC has narrowed the gap, the PPP won the 2020 elections with just 15,000 votes. (down by over 50,000 in 1992).  The PNC has no incentives to cooperate and make Guyana a better place. Had Burnham or Hoyte been “good” leaders, their current compatriots would have no chance at winning a future election, now that’s possible in the next election. It’s quite possible the PPP will lose the next election if current migration trends continue. Indians will then face an existential threat, especially if Black nationalism takes hold.  All entities act in their own interest, except of course, Indian leaders.

Manny Budhu can be reached at

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