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The Emerging of a Political Unity in a Dynamic Plurality

Samaroo Avatar

By Samaroo Avatar

The persistent, unwarranted attacks on the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP), are hurdled by advocates with self-induced myopia whose personal agenda range from simple pecuniary to complex intertwining jealousy.

At the heart of it all is a visionary whose life’s work is yet to be realized by the people for whom he serves. Phillip Edward Alexander did not venture into politics by mere choice. He was moved by an inner calling that empathized his whole being to champion a cause for the down trodden and politically unrepresented.

Having worked in various social and charitable projects for years within a plural representation, he cannot give up his original commitment to a united cause. Despite calls from various self-serving interest groups, and despite overt threats from many whom he has helped, he has embraced the racial factions in order to better manifest the emerging political unity to which he is truly committed.

Were the simple layman to understand this vision, they would embrace him and seek his practical leadership.

The reality is that PEP cannot seek the interest of one group at the cost of others. Phillip has long realized that the imperative for political unity in a dynamic plurality demands the representation of all factions simultaneously. Long ago he realized that we are all in the same boat even though we came here in different vessels from different lands. To many self-styled and self-proclaimed political upstarts, he is seen as a traitor to his roots, because he sought to enlist a rainbow representation in a manner that destroys tokenism.

The common people support Phillip and the politically enlightened have come to see his worth. What others have held out as mere promises, Phillip has delivered in short order, without office perks. His success record is unparallel. Only the ambitiously unbridled and blatantly self-seeking will not accede to this.

The forked tongues of G-String, Daddys’ girl, and aunty Pun can soon be silenced as the chapters of history unfold to dismantle the illusion that we can survive alone. The testament of Phillip is being written by the people for whom he serves. The legacy of PEP is being carved into the annuls of history despite the divisive ploys of the rule employed by the colonial leftovers. Neither the politics nor religion of the day can hinder the ever-onward march of this triumphant emerging political unity in a dynamic plurality.

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