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The PPP/C Government has, is and will always be a caring, competent and careful Government

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

Guyana is on the course of a hat-trick on presenting a “Trillion Dollar” budget in 2026. Indeed, the year 2024 has been a journey of “trials, treats and triumphs” which tested the PPP/C Government’s tempo, to terminate another thoughtful year successfully and on a high and resounding note, but not oblivious of the touchy challenges to ride the rough political weather in 2025, with a taste of traditional expectations from the Opposition.

In 2024, Dr. Ashni Singh, Senior Minister in the Office of the President for Finance and Public Services, surprised Guyanese with the biggest budget totaling $1.146 trillion (USD 5.5 Billion) in expenditures, an ambitious move the nation has ever experienced. It’s theme was “Staying the Course, Building Prosperity for All.” That budget represented an increase of 46.6 % larger than the 2023 budget and was fully financed without any new or increase taxes. With an estimated Revenue of $947 Billion (USD 4.5 Billion), it projected a $199 billion (USD 1 Billion) deficit. This translated to a growth trajectory of an estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 43.6 percent.

As outlined in Dr. Ashni Singh’s 2024 budget presentation, the PPP/C Government did deliver on their commitments. With the variable and numerous salary and wage increases, adjustments and allowances, retroactive payments and bonuses, cash grants and stipends, and assistance and services, the Government succeeded in providing arteries of ways and means for Guyanese to enjoy a decent life for all categories of workers across the board and in all fields. With the existential building explosion in the Government’s housing and water programs, Guyanese continue to capitalize on the many avenues designed by the PPP/C administration, to “create, build and accumulate household wealth through their own efforts.” Through astute leadership, Guyana defended her integrity by adhering with universal norms and practices which attracted global attention to house many forums at home with overseas participation. In addition, Guyana advanced her financial status with international partnership as evidenced with the American, Chinese and other investments. The latest loan of $526 US from the US Export-Import Bank to finance the Gas-to-Energy program, catapulted a higher confidence level in the PPP/C Government’s and shattered the Opposition’s dogmatic negativity.

In 2025, the Honorable Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, bedazzled Guyanese with yet again a bigger budget totaling $1.382 Trillion, an increase of 20.6 % larger than 2024. The 2025 theme is, “A Secure, Prosperous and Sustainable Guyana.” Here again, notably, there are no increase in taxes nor no new taxes to finance the expenditures. In fact, there is further reduction in duty and VAT. A projected 10.6 percent Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is anticipated with a projected 5.9 % deficit of the budget.

Without venturing into humongous ramifications of the statistics and logistics to amplify the detailed or summarily individual budget for each Ministry, from last Friday, on a daily basis, reporters, writers and commentators are voicing their opinions and reasonably discuss the significance of the increases over last year’s performance in each industry, whether positive or negative. Not to underscore, it does not escape the interest of Guyanese both at home and abroad to note that, only a trusted PPP/C Government can enhance Guyana’s development through planting and growth, production and sustainability and, programming and planning with a vision for progress and prosperity through a peaceful and positive means.

Without the commencement of the debates and discussions, the Opposition is already in a dour domain, dismissive of the details and distastefully dreadful in their devious deportments. As they develop disillusive devices to attempt to dominate Parliament, Guyanese will not be shocked with their deranged derivations and damaging deductions.

Who would forget their villainous impropriety characterized when the APNU/AFC Opposition in December 2021 attacked the Sergeant-of Arms of the parliament and attempted to wrestle the legendary Mace to create chaos and confusion and prevent the passing of legislation for the National Resource Fund law? Alliances also affiliated to the ruckus, also accessed the control room and disconnected the microphones and disrupted communications. To add salt to the wound, the Opposition Parliamentarians referred to the injured clerk of the parliament as “house negro.” As a result, the Privileges Committee met and recommended suspension for the following MPs: Sherod Duncan, Christopher Jones, Ganesh Mahipaul, Vinceroy Jordan, Annette Ferguson, Natasha Singh-Lewis, Maureen A. Philadelphia, and Tabitha Halley. They lost a court bid and were each fined $350,000, in addition to losing their salaries and benefits and being suspended from sittings in Parliament.

Most Guyanese would agree that the 2025 Budget is dynamic and potently empowered to realize the promises committed by the PPP/C government in their 2020 election manifesto and aiding Guyana in its transformative deliberations as the PPP/C prepare to ascend the seat of administration for the next period and beyond. It is a colossal and monumental terrain to traverse but nothing devoid from the PPP/C’s management prudence.

But from feedbacks, news, interviews, responses and opinions shared in the public domain without fear or favor, many fathom that they are a few short comings which need to be addressed by the Opposition Parliamentarians and reviewed by government. There is no harm in having second thoughts on the following agitated areas and constructive deliberations from both sides of the bench can prove advantageous to the beneficiaries with mutual agreements.

Guyanese would like to see Old Age Pension reaching the $50,000 mark at the commencement of this year. There is no reason why public assistance should not be at a minimum of $25,000. National Insurance benefits should rise to a minimum of $50,000. These emoluments should be factored into an adjustment from the proposed budgetary allocations. Most senior citizens are perhaps vulnerable to a short-lived future. Taking care of them currently will provide the ease and comfort of a descent living and for them to be satisfied that they can enjoy Guyana’s resourceful beauty in this life time. They have paid their dues the hard way under dictatorships and now should enjoy the laxity of their hard-earned democratic rights.

The PPP/C Government has, is and will always be a caring, competent and careful Government for honesty, honor and harmony.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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