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Albert Baldeo

At the last Primary Elections recently, Guyanese-American Hon. Albert Baldeo was re-elected unanimously as District Leader in Little Guyana, Richmond Hill, NY, continuing a legacy of being the first person to be thus elected in 2 different Assembly Districts in the USA, and a force to be reckoned with. Mr. Baldeo is revered as a fearless fighter and accomplished advocate who is not afraid to represent the masses, and has voiced the concerns of his constituents without fear or favor. The son of a working-class family, his strength lies in calling out injustice and discrimination, fighting for government services, and advocating for Guyana.

“Giving freely of your time for public service, bringing assistance to those who need it, speaking out for others who cannot articulate their concerns, and fighting for the betterment of humanity is the greatest gift someone can give to their fellow man, for many are called, but few are chosen,” Baldeo said. “If we are not at the table, we will continue to be on the menu, and we must always be vigilant to fight against injustice, oppression, and discrimination,” Baldeo warned, citing the current territorial dispute his native land has with Venezuela.

“Ensuring that dictator Maduro and the electoral fraudsters in Guyana’s Election case are brought to justice, securing the fair allocation of government services, resources and funding to Little Guyana, public safety, and encouraging more civic involvement by members of our district, are engaging me right now. Our community needs to show its voting strength more,” Baldeo said.

A successful lawyer in both Guyana and the USA, where he created history by being the youngest and fastest appointment to Senior State Counsel, Police Legal Advisor and Magistrate, Baldeo’s volunteer advocacy is a blessing for everyone, aware that as a necessary voice for all, he can help everyone attain a better life, rather than the privileged few.

In 2006, he was declared the winner in a groundbreaking race to become a State Senator and defeat a 30-year Republican incumbent, Italian-American Serf Maltese, who wanted to legalize racial profiling against people of color, only to see the results reversed overnight by 1% of the votes. Baldeo’s efforts ensured Maltese’s defeat and the latter’s perverse attempt to relegate people of color to second-class citizens.

The defeated bill had been co-sponsored in the State Assembly by a powerful black Assembly woman, which reminds Baldeo that “those who are supposed to represent us, sometimes sell us down the river, or dump us under the bus, for their own personal gains, and we have to be brave and vigilant, always. When you stand up to them, be aware that they will try to destroy you, and I know that better than most,” Baldeo said.

Baldeo is a key force in fighting for Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity against Venezuela’s vicious threats to annex 70% of its territory. He has every American agency and Congressman who can help Guyana, on speed dial, and has been regularly contacting them whenever the Venezuelan threats arise. He even wrote the ICJ for an expedited decision, which he says will help tremendously in settling this impasse.

As an elected District Leader, Baldeo is aware of how the system works, and he uses his office to inspire and mobilize voices and bring Guyana’s plight to the US State Department, Congress, Senate, and the President, while helping anyone requiring assistance in accessing public benefits, unemployment benefits, quality of life concerns like better education, health care, wages, public safety, jobs, and ensuring everyone’s issues, are heard.

Other times, he uses his legal knowledge to challenge the system, like suing the MTA under the American with Disabilities Rights Act to ensure that they install the first subway elevator in our community at the Lefferts/Liberty stop in the heart of Little Guyana, often referred to as the “Baldeo elevator.”

In many cases, Baldeo has secured help for immigrants to attend their relative’s deaths and marriages, and secure medical help in the US, by engaging the relevant agencies. He is the only elected to use his own money to maintain an office dedicated to helping the community, through his District Leader’s Office and Baldeo foundation. His unprecedented efforts continue to inspire other Guyanese and South Asian advocates, to whom he provides valuable advice to continue his legacy.

“We have earned the right to be respected by all. My task is to ensure that “top to bottom” recognize that, in accepting our children in better schools, improving our health care systems, improving public safety, giving us better jobs and wages, and truly living the American Dream,” Baldeo ended.

Photos caption: Some of the congratulatory messages on social media that have poured in celebrating Albert Baldeo’s victory.

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