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Trifecta of Useful Idiots: Indian politicians and Intellectuals


Photo : Manny Budhu

In my last article, I wrote about the “useful Idiots” Hindu religious leaders, who helped accelerate the demise of Hinduism in the Caribbean. As a reminder a “useful Idiot” is someone who enables his opponent to gain the advantage over him.

I will now focus on the other two “useful Idiots” in the Trifecta, Indian politicians and intellectuals who help destroy Indian aspirations and place the Indian community in an existential position by enabling their adversary’s destructive behaviors. Indian Politicians and Intellectuals are well known appeasers who seek validation from the Afro community, as such they have to deny their “Indianness” to gain favor with Afros. Appeasement, self-depredation and validation is now regarded as symptoms of a disease, a disease that affected other groups in the past, but now only seems to afflict Indians.

The evidence suggests Guyana does not have a “racial” problem, it has an Afro racist problem which includes the supremacist view that Afros have a patrimony to the land occupied by Indian interlopers, just like Palestinians view Jews as unjust colonizers, a reason why peace cannot be reached.  Replace Indians with other mercantile people, such as Chinese, Arabs, Portuguese or Jews and the same problem would still exist.   Indians are a “problem” simply because they exist in Guyana.

Indian politicians and intellectuals in a self -depredation move, accept the false notion that “both races are fighting each other,” as an appeasement gesture towards Afros. Look up the word “racism, or racist” in the daily newspapers for the last fifty years in Guyana, almost always Afros are throwing it to Indians. And when Indian leaders/intellectuals are accused of racism by Afros they usually break down in tears and roll in the ground crying. “We used to eat out of one pot, my girlfriend was black, my best friend was Black” they usually retorted. Afro leaders don’t suffer from this validation disease. This is a disease not seen in Afro leaders or intellectuals.

So why do Indian intellectuals and politicians over complicate the situation, by pushing the “ethnic divide” nonsense then push grandiose solutions?  Well the answer is very simple, they don’t have the guts or nuts to say Afro leaders are racists, (amazingly, American declassified cables have to say it for them). So how do you solve racial terrorism, in any country? well ask the experts, they’ll all say, Law enforcement. Can you name one Indian intellectual/Politician who is preparing to bring them to Justice? ( or even call for them to face justice) just one.  I can say with certainty, that if Dictator Hoyte was executed for rigging the 1985 election, (as stated under the Constitution that every President and AG is sworn to uphold, and getting paid to do), hundreds of Indians would not have suffered in 1997-2002. GIHA, the last so called Indian organization was more concerned with attacking Gajraj for the death squad, (while dead silent on PNC historic crimes on Indians). So I am not wrong in saying these guys are useful idiots that empowers their opponents.

In September, President Ali visited Bath Settlement village, during Afro attacks against Indians.  Villagers told him point blank that Afro Police officers stand by and did nothing to stop it. (a problem since the 1960’s), Instead of taking the information and promising a full investigation he attacked the villagers “don’t bring race into it” he retorted, (available on Youtube).  Jagdeo proclaimed “we will not purge the civil service,” the same civil service that political risk analysis firm Hoover Business Intelligence said will “sabotage the PPP administration”. Remember GECOM?  As predicted when President Ali decided to give out Hampers, the first area he went to  is an Afro opposition stronghold, opposition voters will eat first, he has to seek afro validation/approval with the residents. Ali is only continuing where his predecessors left off.  In 1998, the Indian Gov’t awarded the Afro-dominated Civil Service a 42% pay raise, this after the Finance Minister said the Country could only afford a 3% pay raise. This is their reward for the beating and burning that rocked the Capital. In January 1998, they announced a $40 million program targeting Afro youths.  Empowering their enemies, and neglecting their own supporters is an Indian politician specialty.  This type of behaviour also exists among Indian leaders and intellectuals in Trinidad, Suriname and Fiji, with the same outcomes, suggesting some type of disorder is at play.

Whenever I chat with PPP supporters about the state of affairs in Guyana they almost always mention “Guyana is getting better, the PPP is building bridges, schools, roads and buildings everywhere”.  If that’s the case, how come they won the election by just 15,000 votes, down from over 50,000 votes in 1992? Then you get a blank stare for a few seconds, they never look at it from that angle. In actuality it’s a perfect strategy, getting the country via stealth, one more crime wave and it’s over for Indians. Had Hoyte, Corbin and Granger been “good people ” and worked to make Guyana a better place this would not have been possible, but this is not their intention, Indians are interlopers and the problem must be dealt with. In a war of attrition, you don’t help your enemy, your aim is to destroy the opposition via small incremental steps. Thanks to the useful idiots without which, it would have never been possible.

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