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Trinidad and Tobago continues to be under siege and in crisis as innocent …

Capil Bissoon

Capil Bissoon

Trinidad and Tobago continues to be under siege and in crisis as innocent and law-abiding citizens are the victims of thugs and hooligans as the country continues to be saddled with an unprecedented wave of terror, violence and murders…

The Acting Police Commissioner is quoted in the today’s media as saying that he is worried about what appears to be an escalation in gang violence and that “it is alarming the brazen approach that these gangs are taking to carry out their actions as occurred yesterday in those public spaces”.

Its seems that McDonald Jacob has forgotten that the Trinidad & Tobago Police Service on January 25, 2018 called on the National Security Council for Anti-Gang Legislation to be passed to assist in their fight against criminal and gang-related activities.

The TTPS at that time was supporting the position adopted by the Keith Rowley-led PNM Administration that the Anti-Gang Legislation, once passed into law, will enable the Police and the country to see an immediate reduction in crime, in robberies and murders across the board.

In November 2017, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi told the country that the Police were keeping close tabs on “2,459 suspected gang-members whose names, whereabouts and alleged activities are known to authorities… more will die since the Opposition had failed to support the Anti-Gang Legislation… this legislation was the solution to stop the spiralling out-of-control crime epidemic.”

Four months later, on March 9 2018, the Anti-Gang Bill 2018 was unanimously passed in the Lower House, a move Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said was in the “best interest of the people”.

The Government and the Police Service had the Anti-Gang Legislation in their possession as the much-needed weapon they were clamouring for which they touted will be the magic formula for solving crime, the solution to stop the spiralling out-of-control crime epidemic and that citizens should expect a return to peace and tranquillity.

That was less than four years ago. Fast forward to January 2022 and under this same Administration, Trinidad and Tobago continues to be under siege and in crisis as innocent and law-abiding citizens are the victims of thugs and hooligans as the country continues to be saddled with an unprecedented wave of terror, violence and murders.

Imagine Jacob’s cavalier response to the 43 murders in the first 28 days of January was that “the month of January tends to be high in terms of killings in the country!”

But is anyone really surprised at this level of insensitivity and leadership from the Acting Police Commissioner, who, just a few months ago, could not make it to the Police Service Commission’s list of top three candidates for the substantive position of Police Commissioner?

And then there is National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds, a less than competent, more duplicitous politician whose arrogance is only surpassed by his ignorance. Rowley has entrusted the visionless Hinds with managing the country’s national security although in his entire political career, the clueless Hinds has absolutely zero accomplishments and zero deliverables. When will the country see a reduction in the overall escalating crime rate?

It is time that ministers are held accountable to Parliament for the actions of their ministries and the Government. The last six years of Prime Minister Keith Rowley’s Administration, in terms of National Security, are matched by his own pronouncement as Opposition Leader, “…if the Gov’t can’t deal with it (crime) then the Gov’t itself is part of the problem!”

How very true Dr Rowley!!!

Capil Bissoon

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