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UK’s Third PM, Trinidad’s Pol Leaders, & Race

Phillip Alexander

England is on the way to its third Prime Minister in three months, with its last two predecessors removed for either failing to deliver or being less than honest with the British people, while we labour on with a government that just corrupted the justice system AGAIN an engaged in what can only be described as an assault on law AND the Constitution to prosecute an opponent who fell from grace under a cloud of allegations of impropriety, and remarkably, incredulously, are STILL the government.

England, from where we get our perversion of their system of government is literally showing us that if they fail, fire them, never had to contend with a country where two races could be co-opted to excuse high level criminality, outright theft and even treason for racist reasons.

Predominantly white England is about to appoint a man of Indian descent. It’s second woman Prime Minister was fired after 44 days in office. They don’t waste time screaming platitudes about every creed and race finding an equal place, there they appoint you and fire you regardless of race, class, age or gender.

In a world where economy and justice are pillars of quality of life they don’t have time to waste over such foolishness.

This is 2022 the age of information, but our Prime Minister has already been investigated for multiple allegations of criminal enrichment and corruption, has had his name called in many more, has attempted to unseat an elected government by the most glaring if not treasonous assault on our Parliament, and STILL stands.

Our Opposition leader is a lame duck that has to rig internal elections to keep her weak and tenuous grasp on power, her weaker and unimpressive team hoping and praying that the current government could become so criminal that the public would forget their own criminal misconduct while in office and give them another chance at the trough.

We are corrupting everything, and instead of opening our eyes and seeing our culpability in the destruction of our country, some who read this will STILL dismiss it on nothing else but race, and will destroy their children’s future to be racist.

We are mortally afraid to commission enquiries into our justice system or financial sector as they will easily expose the wrong that is upheld by law, in a country where we have legitimized corruption and perfected the art of looking the other way.

Trinidad is dying.

And the PNM and UNC are the tools the criminally corrupt have used to inflict the mortal wounds that is killing it.

We the people have a duty to care, and a responsibility to see past the lies that skin color could be a reason to elect someone.

The death of Trinidad, when it comes, will be the fault of we the people who voted on anything but competence and policy, and those of us that used every flimsy reason to not give a damn.

We are too literate and intelligent to continue to pretend that any of that is acceptable.

Phillip Edward Alexander
Leader, PEP

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