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Wreath instead of bouquet at UNC Headquarter in Trinidad

Dear Editor,

Recent events at the ever-moving UNC Headquarters indicate some event where a wreath replaced a bouquet to honor a fallen leader.

It was certainly a celebration of mediocrity reflecting cascading defeats, with an alignment of gloom and despair. False and baked smiles on the faces of those gathered could not lift the dark shadows that permeated the environment.

In what was meant to be a celebration of 15 years at the helm of the party was quickly replaced by signs of mental and physical decay. It was replaced by memories of continuing defeats but agonizingly with the feeling that the leader was not prepared to vacate in grace.

Gone were the days when the party could have boasted of having the brightest and the best. Gone were the days when the fragrance of the party reflected the hope of a brighter tomorrow when the intellectual buzz heralded the dawn of optimism and excitement.

Now this enthusiasm has been replaced by the noise of repugnant bullies whose only role is to “soorhaway” the fragile ego of a relic who is holding on to and for dear life while trampling the hopes of a new generation.

The population is asking the question, where have all the flowers of youth, hope, and aspiration gone? They note the continuing exodus of the membership and ask the question again, where have all the flowers gone? Gone far,far away is the answer.

While the rest of the world, and India in particular, welcome the youngest chess champion at the age of 18 years by the name of D Gukesh, while the United States boasts of a 12year old Suborono Issac Bari a math prodigy and a university lecturer, Trinidad is stuck with the longest serving opposition leader!

While the PNM could celebrate 69 years of uninterrupted existence as a political party, the UNC squeaks of leadership designed to fail.

The UNC is stuck in the leadership mold which boasts of being the best thing since slice bread when in truth she is as worthless as stale bread. The few around her surround themselves in an echo chamber with broken and shattered mirrors, while the rest of the population cry out, where the flowers have gone.

The sad reality is that the bouquet has been replaced by a wreath for the UNC!

Rabindra Moonan.
San Fernando.

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