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Alexander Slams NTA and UNC on Local Elections in Trinidad

Phillip Alexander

Now that the proposed Aldermen list has been published Kamla Persad Bissessar needs to come clean on the con job she and Gary Griffith tried to pull on this country for this Local Government Election.

With almost zero candidates of their own the NTA sham had to rebrand UNC candidates and then when that was not enough, had to turn to Jack Warner to beg and borrow ILP candidates.

When they realized they also had to find people for an alderman list he had no choice but to name his children and the six people in the NTA to multiple corporations, so what exactly does Gary Griffith bring to the table besides a phone number and some former employees?

Clearly he has almost zero support.

Now that he and Peter George and Sam Salloum have failed, when does whatever remains of any integrity he might have had admit that it was all a tantrum without substance used to coerce and strong arm the Prime Minister into giving him a police job?

Speaking as the leader of THE authentic third option outside the duopoly of race of the PNM and UNC fighting to carve a space for the voting public to choose representation OUTSIDE the established order, it makes it that much more difficult when others call themselves political options but exist only as distractions in some cases, and in the case of this one, an outright farce.

The rules may allow him to do all that he has done in reaction to his fall out with Keith Rowley that saw him write a political cheque he did not have the political capital to cash, but at this point even the media has to stop pretending that what Gary is selling is real.

His wife was spending time recently on social media telling people they are NOT in partnership with the UNC and that it was ‘only an accommodation’ and ‘strategy’ as if they had to hold their collective noses to work with the UNC, but as a major social media influencer had to point out, if that is so, why are they campaigning together?

Why is Gary walking in UNC areas which UNC does not need? Because Gary needs UNC in the areas he is contesting to appear as having substance to the voters unaware that even at the highest level his party is just a handful of political financial speculators ‘pelting a stone’ and some people like Errol Fabien and Nikoli Edwards who lent their names to the NTA, who exist both in the NTA and their other more substantial political existence at the same time, in case it could advance their own stalled political aspirations.

WHY is the media giving him a pass on all that?

When I sit in the media they ask me down to my mother shoe size, so why dies Gary escape answering what exactly is the NTA, who are their financiers, and where is his often touted 89% approval rating?

The voting public must see through this con job and not waste their votes Election Day.

If the NTA leaders do not trust each other to invest in what they are selling, why should the voters? If the accommodation is only one of necessity but they don’t really like each other, why should you saddle yourself with all that potential political fall out if God forbid they were to win something?

Kamla’s call for people to come home to the UNC, a veiled beg back for her original members like Stacy, Ramona, Bhoe, Vasant and others to bolster her flagging support was rejected outright.

The addition of two fake parties in the NTA and MND may have bought her some media distraction but little else and is in reality an insult to the UNC rank and file.

The truth is UNC supporters deserve better than a smoke and mirrors hustle.

Gary was one step away from naming his two dogs to the Aldermen list. The NTA is now exposed as a flim flam.

His lack of understanding of ANYTHING outside of national security issues was recently exposed in a debate where he and his team came fifth out of of four parties. He sent a military commander as his stand in to address economic issues who was even less able than himself and who ended up droning on and on with tired lock up and lock down rhetoric.

The truth is Gary has failed, but the social media influencers, talking heads like Inshan Ishmael and journalists who benefitted or benefit from him financially or otherwise are blocking for him.

How can you trust a leader so out of touch with even the people he believes are his support base? His party is organizing a down de islands fund raiser one week after the island home owners held a stakeholder meeting with EMA, the coast guard and the police to STOP such events, and who are incensed at the possibility of such an event and the others it may inspire.

We call on UNC supporters who want REAL representation and a strong movement to secure their interests to come home to the PEP. Here your issues matter. Here we give you more than a shirt to wear. We give you hope for better for you and your children.

We in the Progressive Empowerment Party will fight for the vendors, the farmers, the property owners and those communities cut off by the spiteful PNM government as we have repeatedly done.

We will mobilize you for YOUR interests and get them addressed.

We have shown you time and again that we can get things fixed without office or state funding, so imagine what we could do for you if you voted us into office.

It’s time to wrap up this failed and fake UNC NTA whatever it is and throw it in the dustbin.

On Election Day don’t be fooled. Vote for REAL leaders committed to you. Vote for representation that can stand up to the power brokers. Vote for the only party whose presence means the issue will be addressed.

All through this country when people have problems everyone tells them call Phillip. He will fix it.

I call on you to give us the chance to fix local government for you, to show what real representation can do, so you could give us a chance at general election time fix all of it.

Yesterday I asked a PNM candidate in front of his supporters what can voting PNM do for anyone, and none of them could answer. Yet all of them knew of me and what I could do.

August 14th I call on Trinidad and Tobago to save T&T, and vote PEP.

Phillip Edward Alexander
Political Leader
Progressive Empowerment Party

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