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Vassan Responds to Lewis


In my letter in Kaieteur News of .April 14, 2021 titled Black leaders need to emphasise capitalism I asked the question what Walter Rodney would have said who is keeping the continent of Black Africans underdeveloped to which Mr. Lincoln Lewis responded in the Village Voice on / Eye on Guyana -Sept 28,2021 .

He evaded my question implying that I think like white people who are always telling black people what is wrong and right. Mr Lewis further said Indians should be mindful that the rights Indians enjoy in the USA has to do with the Black civil rights activities in America. Mr. Lewis failed to answer my question on what Walter Rodney would have thought / say who is keeping Africa underdeveloped today. Mr. Lewis is right that Indians and others benefited from the civil rights movement in the sixties, but history also tell us that everyone benefited from each other suffering. Case in point: The first white settlers made it possible for all to live in the USA against the will of the Indigneous Indians.Also be mindful that Blacks were in the U.S. Calverly fighting on the Europeans side.

Minorities of white people including women, Irish, Jews, Italians and East Europeans all fought for their Civil Rights that enlightened others and Blacks to be activated.

On the continent of Africa ,Indians , then ,Gandhi fought against Europeans oppressions that give rise to Blacks activism Justice and Equality.

As for who define who today in America, Blacks armed with an ideology of Critical Race Theory are the ones’ that is canceling everyone else’s culture and defining other race directions. As for the Caribbean in every way and means an African man is more white than an Indian , be it his God and way of life.

After independence African leaders spit on the Indian way of life and refused to have any serious input into the Indian Historical Narrative today in the school curriculum.

In Trinidad , Dr. Eric Williams 30 years of rule in Trinidad refuse to implement Hindi as a language in the school curriculum fearful that Indians will have a connection with India. Under Black rule in Trinidad and Guyana, Indians have a very difficult time in maintaining their Indianness and are often labelled as racists.

Therefore , I am asking Mr. Lincoln Lewis WHO is defining WHO in the Caribbean and USA..
Vassan Ramracha.

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