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Anti-Hindu Bashing

Cliff Rajkumar

Cliff Rajkumar

By Cliff Rajkumar

We live in a world, today, where we are bombarded with misleading propaganda and the most outrageous narratives, befitting the self-serving pursuits of people who are obsessed with their fanatical beliefs and prejudicial narrow-minded worldview. The fiendish words and actions of the insatiable proselytizers do not match. They have abandoned their humanity by choosing to champion and promote the rigid indoctrination that was fused into their brain-washed belief system, without discernment or allowance for any measure of tolerance and facilitating accommodation for the original, founding, people of Bharat. They have chosen to castigate and demonize a whole race on account of their ancient beliefs and culture. The conquerors’ mentality still persists as they claim the dominant right to force their beliefs on the vulnerable with false persuasions and even shocking heavy-handed coercion.

It is sickening to see how people are becoming more open to accept and believe the diabolical deceit that are being peddled to gain patronizing sympathizers to promote their iniquitous agenda. The spin masters only really care about their aggrandized ego and the promotion of the conviction that they were hard-wired to believe, as the only way. A way for them to buy their indulgences with the conversion of heathen souls to enter their Paradise and Heaven…regardless of the pain and terror that they have to unleash on the unwary innocent. A goal that they have resolutely embraced as their life’s mission. It is not uncommon for these people to make up the most fantastical stories and reframe the truth as they want you to believe through the prism of their fragmented lens.

No doubt, conversion is now big business with deep social and political implications. Some are by forced and some are for economic reasons. However, the social implications cannot be underestimated. Families are torn apart with the ensuing rifts that sometimes never heal. The chasm of faith is deep and people get drowned in their refusal to see the common thread of our ‘one’ inclusive humanity. Instead, many fervently embrace the doctrines of their new religion with zealous piety and become even more dogmatic and unrelenting with their conditioned fundamentalist orientation.

After conversion-forced or voluntary many choose to totally disconnect from their ancestral beliefs and traditions. Cultural traditions that once cradled them with abiding love to see the indivisible unity in all of creation and nature. The congenial inclusivity that was once revered with joyful exultation is replaced by disdain and contempt. Such, I suppose, is the power of dominant persuasion to reshape the
rationality of our fragile human mind. These entrenched doctrines and beliefs then become the all-consuming sanctified pathway to salvation. The Muslims claim that the Koran is the word of God as do the Christians claim that the Bible is the word of God.

However, religion, to me, is faith-based relative to our conditioned orientation to accept or not accept the doctrines in the Koran or the Bible as the irrefutable word of God. Spirituality is a personal relationship that we cultivate, based on our individual inclination and open-mindedness to see divinity in all of creation. Hindus acknowledge that the God/Creator is the indivisible unity that binds existence in a continuous cycle within the realm of time. Notwithstanding, this human life and intelligence provide us with the capacity to experience boundless transcendent state of awareness by accessing the deepest layers of our subconscious mind.

Why then, all the hatred and rabid prosyeltisation obsession to horde people like sheep to accept a belief that will need to profoundly deconstruct and re-programme them to follow a new and foreign belief. I submit that this is a presumptuous travesty that is dividing us in hate camps rather embracing the incredulous and amazing diversity that God has bequeathed to us.

For example, open the clip below and see how political opportunists like Imran Khan and numerous Hindus bashers are now claiming the exact opposite by accusing Modi of committing genocide against muslims. Really! Yet, so many spin doctors continue to inflame the sentiments and emotions of people who are inclined to believe the concocted lies. Worst! the politicians get sucked into the deceitful and misleading propaganda that are designed to create mischief and destabilize the central government to promote their demented agenda.

Rare clip of Kashmiri pandit genocide in 1990 #Kashmir … › videos

Also, take a look at this exaggerated and debased inflammatory duplicitous spiel that Taha Ghayyur is spinning here in Canada on BJP Hate crimes in India. Hindus are being molested, harassed and killed everyday in India. The immoral kidnapping and conversions of Hindus by the Jihadists is grotesque. The proyseltization campaigns are now on overdrive with massive funding from the west.

Also, ask yourself- if you are paying attention- how many muslims are being killed everyday in Pakistan, Afghanistan and in so many other islamic nation and by who? Who are the suicide bombers that still drive fear in the hearts of anyone who dare to offend their religion? Also, how many Christians since time immemorial were massacred by Muslims versus those killed by Hindus.Then, reflect on the sincerity of your conscience and ask yourself, honestly: How many muslims were killed, by Hindus, in India in the past year, as compared to Hindus that were butchered by Muslims. Go on YouTube and see the genocide that muslims fanatics like Owaisi are threatening everyday to unleash on innocent Hindus. He bragged that 6 crore muslims will wipe out 100 crore Hindus.

Is this a man who believe in peace and subscribe to secular harmony?

Please do your homework and then decide on really what is the truth?

As we debate the truth, Hindus are being pushed to finally stand-up and say, no more. But, the double standards continues to be foisted with shameless incoherence as many becomes complicit to the diabolical schemes without investigating the underlying facts.

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