It is unfortunate that taxpayers have to be used to drive culture in this country and in particular creole culture and more specifically Carnival, pan, soca and calypso.
From Independence in 1962 to present government after government has been spending money to promote this Carnival culture while ignoring other aspects of our diverse culture. This is a clear violation of our principle of equality before the law. It is abundantly clear that the government cannot be fair with relation to the disbursement of funds.
The current system just does not allow it. It is imperative that a new scheme for the disbursement of State funds for culture must be identified and its is exactly what I wish to offer.
My proposal is that taxpayers be allowed to suggest where their money for culture should be directed. For example, if the government agrees to spend five percent of taxes in culture then the taxpayer should be given the right to say which aspect of our culture he would like this dollars forwarded to.
Thomas Dennis who likes pan music may want to give his money to PanTrinbago while Shanti Boodoo may want her taxes spent on tassa.
I would like my tax dollars to fund Phagwa but this is not happening. Also, Vishnu Rampaul may want his money to fund Divali.
It is unfair, if not unconstitutional, for such bias disbursement of public funds to continue. What is worse, is that while the majority community celebrating get little or no money for culture, there are a few thar collect state funds under the table. Also, at one point in tme there were a few individuals employed in the Ministry of Culture who acted as the arbiter as to whom or which organizations are entitled for funding. More so, a few of those employees were artists themselves, and were well supplied with funding to shake a leg or play a tabla.
With those few collaborators and lochoos, the PNM has been able to window dress and proclaim at the top of their voices “here every creed and race find an equal place.”
I would be happy that the Ministry releases the list of beneficiaries of funds from the Minstry of Culture for the past five years. This would be a DOGE exercise and the public would be shocked to when they come to know how their tax dollars are squandered.
If someone likes a particular artwork or festival such an individual should be directed to fund it rather that the State or the bulk of citizens who has no interest in that aspect of our diverse culture.
The Carnival Commission should be disbanded and Pan Trinbago and Carnival should be privatized so that those who love Carnival can invest in it as international tourist business. And the same can be said for other aspects of our national culture including Ramleela, Phagwa and Divali.
The habit of freeness is like a dog sucking egg… a big challenge to overcome. Even President Trump would be challenged to end such lochoo culture.