Did Ag CoP Jacobs have sight of the documentation and records from the Transport Commissioner? If he did, is he questioning the integrity and accuracy of the documentation from the Transport Commissioner?
The headline in one of today’s newspapers boldly pronounces, “Top cop clears Faris in sale of Porsche.”
The story is that “A letter from acting Police Commissioner McDonald Jacob to (Faris) Al-Rawi (former Attorney General) dated June 15, 2022, said the investigation into the failure by Al-Rawi to transfer motor vehicle registration PCY 84 to (Roger) Kawalsingh (Former Police Service Commissioner) and the failure to notify the Transport Commissioner of the change in ownership had been closed on the grounds of insufficiency of evidence.”

Jacob is quoted as saying, “I refer to a letter dated 1st October 2021 from the Leader of the Opposition, Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar on the subject (vehicle transfer) and inform that a comprehensive investigation was conducted into the allegations made therein.”
Exactly what type of “comprehensive investigation” is Jacob alluding to?
The investigation should not have been about who said what but rather on the documents and paper trail that were submitted to the Licensing Authority.
According to the Transport Commissioner in a letter to Al-Rawi dated October 12th 2021, Clive Clarke informed Al-Rawi that “comprehensive checks were undertaken at the San Fernando Licensing Office whereby transactions related to vehicle transfers were reviewed for the period January 15th, 2016 to February 29th, 2016.”
The Transport Commissioner confirmed the following checks were conducted to verify and validate the following:
• Inspection Bay transfer log books
• Transfer Counter Log Book
• Cashbook
• Vehicle Register
According to the Transport Commissioner, the areas that were searched were:
“Inspection Bay transfer log books – January 15th, 2016 to February 29th, 2016 – CANNOT BE LOCATED
“Transfer Counter log book – January 15th, 2016 to February 29th, 2016 – LOG BOOK LOCATED – NO ENTRY EXISTS FOR VEHICLE PCY 84.
Al-Rawi was further advised that his “correspondence dated September 28th, 2021 and October 20th, 2020 indicate a signed transfer form dated February 1st, 2016 and a receipt of sale dated January 15th, 2016 as well as copy of a cheque paid to the vendor. Having regard to the fact that there existed a series of manual processes which can result in entry omissions and delays with the upgrade of records during the above-mentioned period, the Licensing Authority can neither deny nor confirm that attempts were made to conduct a transfer of vehicle PCY 84 on or around the week beginning February 15th, 2016.”

The Transport Commission then advised Al-Rawi (on October 12th 2021) “to visit the Licensing Office along with the buyer Mr. Kawalsingh and vehicle PCY 84 in order to conduct the transfer in accordance with the Division’s Standard Operating procedure.” (See Appendix #3)
It was after Al-Rawi’s visit to the Licensing Office on October 20, 2021 that a “True certified Copy of Ownership of PCY 84 Number 855717” was issued.
The Ag Commissioner of Police needs to tell the country just what investigation did the TTPS carry out to conclude that he had decided to close the investigation “on the grounds of insufficiency of evidence.”
Did the Ag Police Commissioner Jacobs have sight of the documentation and records from the Transport Commissioner?
If he did, is he questioning the integrity and accuracy of the documentation from the Transport Commission?