My engagements with Guyanese (in Guyana) revealed aspects of anti-Americanism and anti-Trumpism; very few Guyanese in USA are anti-Trump. There is hardly anti-Americanism among the wider public in Guyana although they object to the President’s immigration policy. The anti-American sentiment is more pronounced among politicians, rather than the public, supporting both government and opposition. This anti-Americanism may be a continuation of that of the socialist left going back to the 1950s and 1960s when a group of communists sought a tie up with the Soviet bloc and subsequently China following the collapse of the east bloc in 1990. Those harboring such sentiment need to immediately cleanse their thoughts as it is not representative of the wider population. Besides, Guyana needs America as it faces an existential threat from Venezuela.
Several politicians (not Jagdeo and Norton) at parliament (in January) derided a suggestion to launch an American Institute for Development of Guyana named after the 47th American President Donald Trump. Several of them made snide remarks, grinned, scoffed at and dismissed the idea. These are the very same people who want America and Trump to defend Guyana from Venezuela but show disdain for USA and the President. They want USA to stand up for Guyana but are opposed to having any link with Trump or any alliance (friendship treaty) with USA. Such anti-Americanism landed Guyana in trouble during the 1950s thru 1991. Guyanese political leadership must learn from the mistakes of their predecessors in engaging in anti-Americanism. The politicians from ruling party seemed to have forgotten that it was America, with lobbying from Guyanese Americans, that protected democracy in 1992, 2015, and 2020. And USA also has sided with Guyana against threats from Venezuela. With Guyana’s physical territory facing imminent threat and possibly extinction, an alliance or linkage with USA is critical for the survival of democracy in and the physical territory of Guyana.
There is no compelling reason for anti-Americanism in Guyana given our history of ties. The USA has had long friendly relations with Guyana going back to the 1950s even before the country gained independence in 1966. Washington intervened in Guyanese affairs to prevent what it considered as the establishment of a communist, anti-Godly state. Since then, America has been viewed as a God sent asset to Guyana, helping to secure and institutionalize democracy in the country, providing critical financial aid, and protecting its territory from invasion. Over the last five years in particular, America has used military might to protect Guyana’s territorial sovereignty from incursions by Venezuela. The USA has provided security cover for these tens of billions of American dollars in investment. The USA issued stern warnings against Venezuela. The Trump Administration issued warning against Maduro last week. The massive American investment in Guyana has resulted in record economic growth over the last five years. Yet, there is a feeling of ingratitude against Washington and lately of Mr. Trump.
The negative attitude or ingratitude of politicians and small number of others should be combated and dispelled with ‘education’ (information) and engagements so that the public can have a better understanding of USA and her powerful President Donald Trump and of their significant importance to Guyana. Feelings and attitudes of anti-Americanism and anti-Trumpism must be neutralized if not altogether eradicated. Guyana needs President Trump to MrTowards this end, Guyanese should consider forming an NGO – American Center for Development in Guyana to promote American values. It would be ideal to name the organization after President Trump without any (official or unofficial) link with the great American President and or with the government of USA.
Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram