Last week I received a text with a link to a Globespan debate entitled “Global poverty and interethnic challenges” the speakers were Vishnu Bisram, Baytoram Ramharack, Rajan Nazran and a member of the PNC Dictatorship Vincent Alexander. I did not watch the program, but after watching similar programs in the past, and knowing how Indian intellectuals think one can draw a fairly accurate assessment of their conclusions.
Indian leaders and intellectuals are well known appeasers who love to engage in “feelgood politics”, they love to entertain debates and attend conferences while the situation on ground for many Indians remain the same. Wasting valuable time and resources and accomplishing nothing. So why do they engage in worthless debates ??, and write fancy articles that few will ever read and fewer will understand ??,well, they love the accolades, the pat on the back, “good job”, great article” great speech” really get their motors running. Their wives could be dying on a hospital bed, yet these guys would rather attend an intellectual conference on how to solve Guyana’ racial problems, than visit their dying wives.

A good example is Cheddi Jagan’s “New Human Global Order” (a plan where rich countries will be required to give a percentage of their budget to poor nations). Here is a man who is running the second poorest, most corrupt Country in the Western Hemisphere proposing a Plan to save the world. Jagan instructed his ambassadors to save newspaper articles about his NHGO Plan (maybe he wants to frame them in his office). When Jagan unveiled his plan to save the world at a PPP congress, the delegates cheered, one of them proclaimed “He is a world leader”. Jagan was in intellectual heaven. The Guyana stage was too small for Cheddi. Today, not even one person outside of Guyana and it’s doubtful the average Guyanese ever heard of the NHGO. Valuable time wasted when he’s getting paid to serve the nation’s interest.
These Indian intellectuals and leaders fail to understand what the evidence clearly shows…if Blacks view Indians as interlopers in “their” country, no amount of intellectual debates and conferences, and deals will ameliorate the situation, (remember Herdmanston Accords). One cannot win a cricket match, with the best players if the other side is cheating, as Jewish leaders have been saying all along.
The entire basis for intellectualism is that the solution is found, and the unconverted must now be converted. What is the solution for racial bullyism, racial crimes and political thuggery in Guyana ???. Well, its debates, federalism, shared Governance and deals, what is the solution in advanced societies around the world for the same problem ???, law enforcement. Nice to know our intellectuals are debating ethnic insecurities with a man who serve a political party that committed genocide against Indians.
All ethnic groups have intellectuals, but Indian intellectuals are on a different level, yet the Indian diaspora remain the most discriminated, most marginalized, most attacked people everywhere they settled.