Dear Editor,
With her political stocks plummeting at an astronomical rate, Kamla Persad Bissessar seems to have gotten a new lease on life by attending a spate of funerals and even carnival fetes.
Since her embarrassing Congress where a UNC member and a pundit was assaulted and abused without any apology from the party’s leader, Kamla has embarked on a damage control mission.
Apparently, her handlers monitor the death notices to alert the leader of any opportunity she may seize upon to make an appearance and a photo op to show signs of life. This became even more important when she inexplicably missed the funeral of the late revered Pundit Robin and did not even issue condolences to members of the Hindu community.
Such is her level of desperation for public attention that Kamla has been spotted continuously for more than 10 days, a feat which she did not even accomplish when she was Prime Minister and had to chair Cabinet Meetings.
Her attendance at the party’s Choka Fest saw her looking most uncomfortable in the setting and it was a far cry from her dancing image with the then Jamaican Prime Minister. In fact, it was a far cry from a report in November 2012 when Google denied a request from the Trinidad Government to remove 10 videos currently posted on YouTube featuring Kamla. It says nine of the videos featured Mrs.Bissesar dancing with a bottle in hand!

Kamla’s advisors are desperately trying to recreate a new image of her as a caring sober-minded person who embraces every single creed, race, and culture in Trinidad and Tobago. Still, they are losing the battle with a loose-cannon leader. Having imposed herself on the speaking program, she destroyed her perhaps genuine statement calling for a National Award for the late Anil Bheem when she irresponsibly had to draw reference to an award to Black Stalin. Alarm bells began to sound as this aspiring Prime Minister had apparently injected the specter of race and division into a solemn occasion.
Kamla’s intent was to politize another funeral, to project herself and her UNC members, as they were seen imposing themselves into uninvited front-row seating and assuming a sense of self-importance. She simply played cheap politics!
She has once more demonstrated that she is unfit for public office and presents a clear and present danger to unity in the nation. In a country where race relations seem to be on a tinderbox, and leaders are expected to act responsibly, Kamla has thrown gasoline. People are more than ever convinced that Google was correct.
Yours truly,
Rabindra Moonan. San Fernando.