Dear Editor,
India’s Prime Minister Modi Ji’s visit to Guyana is a very defining moment for the Indian diaspora and the people of Guyana. Modi Ji has become one of the most respected national leaders on the global stage today. His uncompromising principle-based leadership embraces and embodies the highest ideals of his ancestral lineage, which posit that all of us who are blessed to be born and experiencing this human life on planet Earth share the same life-affirming values, deserving of the same respect, freedoms and entitlements to preserve and enjoy our ancestors’ culture, heritage, and way of life.
Modi Ji is the most formidable Hindu leader and champion who has resolutely committed himself to carrying and safeguarding the sacred torch of his forebears. In my opinion, Modi’s leadership ascent was destined to save Sanathan Dharma by awakening Hindus to the existential tyranny of demagogic bigotry, which seeks to eradicate all belief systems and cultures that do not conform to the unforgiving rigidity of the ruthless proselytizer’s iron net. It is obviously clear that Dogmatic zealotry and compulsions present the foremost challenge to Sanathan Dharma’s survival.

Today, Modi Ji represents the last hope with his unwavering courage and commitment to preserving his ancestors’ glorious Indus civilization. In fact, Bharat is the cradle of humanity and the conscience of every Hindu who holds it to be their Matra Bhoomi. The love and reverence that Modi Ji holds for his sacred motherland is evidenced by his total surrender to the virtues and values of his endearing ancestors. He has risen like a phoenix to brave the storms and fearlessly restore the holistic traditions that have enlightened his ancestors to seek and experience spiritual transcendence as the most fulfilling human endeavour.
Modi Ji’s visit to Guyana, as I see it, represents divine intervention. It is of deep concern to see that our glorious Hindu culture, which nurtured the wounded bodies and souls of our ancestors to survive the abomination of indentured, is now rapidly declining on account of unchecked conversion and other social conditions which are eviscerating the foundations of the vulnerable Hindu communities.
Modi Ji’s global leadership and stature as the most iconic Hindu leader in modern history to visit Guyana will ignite the pride of every Hindu to see and experience the nobility of Modi’s bigger-than-life personality—a great and humble servant of humanity who has dedicated his life’s mission to uplift and preserve his ancient culture from the ravages of intolerant zealots who seek to eradicate the Hindus’ venerated Dharmic creed.
Modi Ji’s press coverage cannot be compromised. He must have representation from publications committed to telling his story without bias and self-serving propaganda. We know that Modi Ji has many detractors who seek to vilify his noble cause and mission. These cunning manipulators will use every available opportunity to spread malicious disinformation, as we have been experiencing here in Canada with Trudeau and his marauders.
Yours Truly,
Cliff Rajkumar.