From Dr. Dhanpaul Narine: “I was a boy in the sixties when Neville Kalicharan left Guyana for England. I recall how my villagers were sad. He lost an eye when he was attacked in the riots. Neville was the leader of the ‘Indian Hot Shots’ and he sang on Radio Demerara, among other places. He was popular and his music resonated with many in Guyana. The closest I have come to Neville is through Tafazool Baksh.The latter was a musician in the ‘Indian Hot Shots.’ Tafazool played the mandolin. He still does. He lives in New Jersey and would come to Queens every time I have a Book Fair. I would give him an item on the program, and he would sing Neville’s famous song ‘O, Guyana.’ Below is a pic of Tafazool with his mandolin”.

Roy Dhanraj Singh, NY State Cert R/E, Resid. Appraiser Reliable Appraisal Service, stated: “He played mandolin for me in Guyana & New York. He was in the Indian Hot Shots Orchestra in the 60’s”.