- There is overwhelming support to further conceive and establish the ideas in my previous two-page communication with reference to the arrival of our ancestors to British Guyana.
In a publication an elder in Guyana wrote:
“ .. it is appropriate that all of us, irrespective of race, colour and creed congratulate the Indian Community for their massive strides they have made since arriving here in 1838… “
…by diligence and hard work (they) climbed with distinction to the highest rung of the ladder…
“” In a plural society they have set a good example in the Arts, Sports, Culture, Industry, their professions, academia, media operatives and politics”
their virtues are good examples for all to emulate”

It is now appropriate that as inheritors of their sweat, blood, torture and determination that as Indians we must take the initiative to preserve the treasure of the past 184 years of our presence in Guyana.
- In Berbice in the Hall Of Fames will be recognition Politician … Dr. Cheddi Jagan and President of Guyana from Port Mourant Surgeon and Medical practioner Dr. Anamantado of Baignauth “ Sugar Boy” cane cutter and spin bowler of Albion Toolsie Persaud, saw miller and businessman from Crabwood Creek Chinapen , Head teacher and poet of 71Primary school J.C Chandisingh, Educationist of Port Mourant Lilly Maraj, rice farmer and miller of Rotterdam A. Ally business man from New Amsterdam/ Canje Tilokie, Gold smith from Port Mourant
Haimraj Kissoon and the Kissoon family, business magnate, from topside Bal Gangadar Tilak, musician and composer from Port Mourant Moses Hussain, broadcaster, Canefield, Canje Laxshmi Kalicharran Librarian and cultural activist from Cotton Tree Dr. Iris Devika Sukdeo, Sociologist and professor of Canefield, Canje. Guyana Chancellor/Judge Cecil Kennard of Bush Lot Corentyne who passed away in March Cecil Seepersaud, agriculturalist of Albion Harry Lall trade unionist of Stanley Town, berbice Chitrangan Singh rice farmer of Bush Lot, Wesr Coast Berbice Munishwer of Port Mourant who establish a huge business in GTown.
Lallgee, Anglican Arch Bishop …Persaud, Labour officer, New Amsterdam Pandit Ramlall, politician and Community worker of Sibly Hall fame, Skeldon …gutter smith from Palmyra Ganesh Rajkumar, Goldminer, Springlands Amin, bus service, Cumberland Bhaj Khan, sugar estate filed manager and son Fazil Khan pilot and Others Peter Kempadoo, author, Book “Guyana Boy” Albion
- The Hall of Fame will also have those persons who are presently alive … Rohan Kanhai, , former magistrate Krishnadat, Dr. Sugrim of Belvedere, Ryle Sookraj, Adelphi, Cyril Lachman, chemist, Dr.Udho Homenauth, agriculturalist, Dr. Surrujbally, historian, Evan Persaud, geologist, … Jumbo Jet race horse stable and dealer in Machinery and others
- Dr. Vishnu Bisram, well known Pollster and diaspora based activist of Port Mourant
- Dr. Balram for his medical clinic on the Upper Corentyne and several others who contributed to the development of Guyana
- There are also institutions. Tagore Memorial High School, Rudra Nauth High school, Canje secondary school, May 5 Highbury Committee (Pt. Ramesh Maraj, former magistrate Chandra Sohan, and several others) Black Bush Polder scheme, Port Mourant Follow Up Cooperative, Chambers of Commerce.
By Prof. (Ret’d) Fred Sukhdeo