AT a simple but special luncheon held on Friday 14th, October, at the spacious Jaglall residence in the President’s village, Leonora, dozens of senior citizens from the villages of Stewartville, Leonora and Anna Catherina were given a special treat. It was not short of the Guyanese delicious meals and the sweet Diwali delicacies for dessert. This applaudable event was admirably organised and financed by the ‘Daughters of Guyana,’ a group of West Demerarian ladies from the diaspora, residing in the USA and Canada. The generous ladies flew in especially to meet and greet the wonderful elders. Every month, all the retirees would each receive a food hamper consisting of groceries to the value of US$25.

Light and live entertainment was provided by a host of Karaoke singers including Krishna Sobryan, Saruj, Lallman, Vidya and Anand Persaud. Unavoidably absent to grace the occasion were the First Lady Arya Ali, Human Services and Social Security Minister Vindhya Persaud and the Permanent Secretary Shannelle Hussein-Outar. Minister Persaud conveyed her appreciation and thanks to the diaspora for their care and concern for the treasured members of the community. The diaspora team present were Gai Latchman, Saruj Hardat, Tara Lakeram, Anna, Deo Lakeram –New York; Vidi Naraidu, Anjanie Seecharran, Sona & family, Reuben Bisnauth – FL. This occasion was ably supported by a contingent of Guyanese volunteers who are friends and families of the sponsors: Nirupa Persaud, Nikki Mohabir, Reena Chung, Bimla Rasul, Ruth Shivraj and Jaglall Lakeram. The “Daughters of Guyana” is being approached by more senior citizens who are seeking help and assistance. The elder folk also expressed their thanks for the help they are receiving.
Yours sincerely,
Jai Lall