NY Indo-Caribbean 2025 Phagwah this Sunday March 23
March 21, 2025
Phagwa celebrates the defeat of dictatorship and tyranny
March 21, 2025
For many years some extremely horrible and highly questionable judgements has been handed down by Guyana’s Judicial System. Pre-meditated killings have been transformed into the watered down version termed ‘manslaughter. ...
The Revolution is in our living roomsand it is digitized!There's inbox, outbox, and dropboxwith miles of cables, sockets and dockets,And endless satellite linksto display websites in their thousands. We spend ...
When we heard in the past of the military taking over countries ousting their legally elected governments, we all joined the chorus that condemned such actions as being unacceptable, undemocratic, ...
The PNM continues to embrace lobbyists with close political affiliations in the USA, costing taxpayers over US$18.585 Million/TT$126.6 Million and counting… yet not one tangible deliverable has ever been received! ...
The police motto used to be to protect and serve and although that was more said than done, more words than action – especially where the serve part is concerned ...
In this morning’s Trinidad Guardian the Prime Minister is quoted as saying Trinidad & Tobago is a violent society as a means to escape answering for the violence that exists, ...
Putin's genocide, I dare say. The despicable abomination and dastardly horror of it all. Right before our eyes, the vicious and surreal barbaric scenes jolt ourconsciousness with shock and awe. ...
When Governments create a society where everyday citizens have to come up every so often for air before being drowned, even the worst of them exercise a bit of restraint, ...
Dear Editor, I again applaud Freddie Kissoon who has been openly writing about atrocities against Indians in Guyana especially when there are Elections. I read Kit Nascimento's refreshing our minds ...
Proving that the law is an ass, this bandit slips and fall on the slippery tiles of the house he is burglarizing, gets caught because he can’t get up and ...