Queens Boro President hosts 2025 Holi (Phagwah) Celebration
March 13, 2025
Crime and the Hindu Community
March 15, 2025
Phagwa celebrates the defeat of dictatorship and tyranny
March 21, 2025
Indian Arrival Day celebrations were held at Plantation Highbury in Berbice on May 5. It was co-organized by the Berbice Indian Arrival Committee and the Indian High Commission. The High ...
Protocols Thank you Madame Chair, Members of Parliament Members of the Diplomatic Corps Fellow Artistes, both of the MGICC and our Local Artistes Members of the Media, Distinguished Ladies and ...
Dear Editor, Many of you might be aware, but my academic background and passion have always been in Computing and I have a Bachelor of Sciences degree in the field ...
Dear Editor, ‘One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ stands as one of the most profound statements of all time, uttered by Neil Armstrong as he stepped ...
May 5 is Indian Arrival in Guyana. This is 185th anniversary. Greetings on the occasion!
India’s High Commissioner to Guyana, Dr KJ Srinivasa, extends greetings to the people and government of Guyana on the occasion of Indian Arrival Day, May 5, a national holiday. Below ...
Are Indian families low hanging fruits for the criminal elements in the society? So long as anyone is vulnerable, the wicked is going to take advantage of him/her. This is ...
“Accept The Unedited Past Without Any Change” So little or so much lie in the past, People and performances perfected with a blast. In the wink of an eye, it ...
I read with interest a letter to the editor ‘A Chinese’s memory of Trinidad’ in the Newsday -Nov. 15, 2019, by Dr David Chang of Canada. Despite Dr David Chang’s ...
Demagoguery is the order of the day rather than finding a solution to the crime. The sane and sober thinkers of this country such as Professor Cudjoe, Dr Winfred James ...