If we follow the logic of ‘SIN AND CORRUPTION’ by Christians it was in the beginning that Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin (For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God) thus condemning humanity to eternal damnation. Luckily, God sent his Son Jesus, the antidote for that Original Sin.
Christians believes that by being born we are automatically sinners and only Christ can cancel those contracts. But I am a Hindu and my contracts will be paid by me alone. According to Christianity, we are all born sinners and condemned to hell not because of our doings but that of Adam and Eve. They have committed a wrong and I am condemned for it. Isn’t that absurd!
When the independence of Guyana and T&T was granted their independence by Britain the African leaders claimed those countries as rewards for their long years of slavery. The new founding fathers of these newly independent nations ruled for three decades without interruption by any oppositions-corruptions, rigging elections, gerrymandering-all of these converged to ensure that Indians were kept out of power. And yet still, we can ask: Where is the development?
The African leaders in both countries, like Adam and Eve, are responsible for our corrupt society. They are NOT willing to reform themselves, to introspect but to blame all that are bad in both countries on the Indians. These Afro Saxons hope that by arresting Indians all the problems will evaporate into thin air. The PNM and PNC leaders have not set a good example at the beginning for the evolution of the two independent countries. They have failed to lay a solid foundation.