At the “Vigil” on Sunday, Oct. 24th, 2021, a Hindu youth Sri Subra Das Ji, who fled from his homeland in Bangladesh because of fears for his and his family’s lives, gave us an insight of life growing up Hindu in Bangladesh. He is still traumatised from what he has experienced and also from the loss of his childhood friend who martyred his own life. His friend’s family was attacked and his friend decided to fight back simply because he felt that he had to take a stand once and for all. He knew he was going to die because it was ONE HINDU AGAINST 80 to 90 MUSLIMS, ( Deja Vu Pandit Rishi Bharat..1 against 11).
In his sharing today, Subra Ji said that Hindus stop building Pandals/Altars at Nav Ratri and thus stopped openly celebrating Durga Puja. This happened because Hindus in Bangladesh were tired of the trauma of going through attack after attack, of having their homes burnt, destroyed and killed in the process. So, when Nav Ratri/Durga Puja came along, they just quietly did their observances. Subra Ji said that things started to get a little better with a change in Government then the atrocities started again. This is the agenda of the Islamic terrorist. They do not want any other Culture and Religion to exist. They want to wipe out the presence of Hindus everywhere. This was the mission from the moment Qasi invaded India. Hindus were made to pay taxes in their own homeland. This atrocity of denying Hindu their own rights in their homeland continues today everywhere Hindus are and we heard references to this from Dr. Satish Prakash in his address.
What is it that makes us Hindus such a threat to others? Dr. Prakash Ji, asked the question as to why Muslims and Christians are not picked on to convert and why are Hindus alone? Some say it is because we worship Idols/Murtis that is why we are targeted to change but REALLY??? How come the Catholics are not picked on to change their religion? Dr. Satish Prakash Ji gave a rousing talk and challenged the Hindu leaders/Pandits present to form a Hindu Défense League;a call that is most necessary at this time for Hindus.

Pandit Ram Hardowar Ji, the President of the Federation of Hindu Temples in the U.S.A, greeted everyone with the Chant Jai Sri Ram and said that by this Chant in the Name of Prabhu Sir Ram, unrighteousness will fall. He was visibly saddened as he spoke about the reduction of Hindus from 30%, 50 years ago to less than 8% presently. Pandit Ji, gave a brief synopsis of the situation in Bangladesh and Pakistan where Hindus are attacked, women and girls raped, homes burnt, businesses destroyed, boys are forcibly circumcised, Hindus forced to pray in Arabic rather than Sanskrit amoung numerous other atrocities like brutal killing and forceful conversion of Hindus. He reminded us about the Twin Towers that was destroyed by fanatics and radicals and said we must never forget the destruction mayhem and chaos in NYC after 9/11 and said that even here we are not safe from these terrorists. Pandit Ji called on our Senators , Congressional Representatives and Members of Parliament to condemn the Violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. He declared the support of Hindus from Guyana who all stand with the Hindus of Bangladesh and wherever else Hindus are being attacked and violated.
Pandit Mahananda Ji from Assam did the opening prayer, some chants and sang a beautiful bhajan that described the sons and daughters of the Motherland. We had talks and messages from Pandit Phagu Ji, Pandit Bharat Persaud Ji, Pandit Ravi Doobay Ji and several other Hindu leaders. Mindra Sahadeo, my sibling led kirtans and there were renditions from others who were there.
Listening to the Bangladeshi young man talking, watching his obvious trauma, sent me back to the days of growing up in Guyana when Burnham was supreme leader. My siblings and I lived with the fear that our Father who was a Hindu leader and Indian/Hindu Rights activist, was going to be assassinated. We grew up seeing what it was to live in Guyana under the PNC regime. Life was as traumatic as it was for this young man from Bangladesh. As I write this, Mindra is talking to his friend in West Bengal (W.B.), where the situation for Hindus is the same as those in Guyana at Elections. Hindus get trashed, homes and businesses burnt and destroyed. Our friend in W.B. says that his Father who is a supporter of the B.J.P. Government, is attacked every single time there are Elections. He says that Muslim mobs supporting Mamta attack Hindus. Deja Vue for me and all the Indians/Hindus of Guyana who suffer every time there are Elections in our homeland. Our friend in West Bengal is very happy to see the pictures and read the signs from our “Vigil” and was especially happy that we remembered West Bengal in our messages.
On a chilly Sunday afternoon, we stood at the busy intersection that led into Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill, Queens, New York City. Several hundred people drove by in the short time we were there, read the messages and many showed their encouragement. Shoppers and pedestrians passing stopped and read the placards. The man at the food cart was most interested in our “vigil” and some others sat across the street and listened. A large number of people were reached today and made aware of the fact that there are Atrocities against Hindus Worldwide. This was the aim behind this “Vigil:….to create awareness in our Community that there are Hindus suffering Worldwide and that these suffering Hindus need our love, prayers and support. Hindus Worldwide should know that they are not alone in their sufferings. We stand with them and not only support them, will lobby and agitate on their behalf.
Bhai Rishie Pooran Ji and Dharmpatni Ji came all the way from New Jersey to show their support, another Bhaiji from Pennsylvania was in New York City and heard of the vigil and came to support. A local Sikh Politician was passing by and saw us and he too came and expressed his support and willingness to work with us. We need many more dedicated people like this. Within less than a week, Bhai Balram Ji got all the permits and permission to hold this event. This is the Shakti of our Hindu community. Bhai Balram Rambrich Ji and I are grateful for the support we received. We thank each and every one who showed interest and to those especially who took timeout to come and stand with us. Today is the first step from our Community here and from the pledges and support we received today; this is just the beginning, I pray.
With Prem and Pranaams,
Nanda Sahadeo