Now that the Kashmir Files is out, we are going to understand better why Dr. Keith Rowley continues to abuse the Opposition and Kamla Persad Bissessar. It is only because of the silence and connivance of top officials including the then Government, Amnesty International and other high-ranking officials a genocide and exodus of more than 90,000 Kashmiri Pandits took place in 1990 while the world went about its business.
Today ample evidence including visuals are coming out to indict the Indian National Congress Government and its operatives for not taking any action to arrest the rising tide of injustice against the Kashmiri Pandits. What is even more shameful was the fact that the state failed to provide evidence before the courts to prosecute suspects, thus leaving the courts with no choice but to dismiss all accused.
It is remarkable that India still has a few like Vivek Agnihotri to write such a script and produce a film such as the Kashmiri Files. While the Modi government has taken a decision not to tax the revenue derived from the film, the question should be asked: If Congress was in power, would the making of such a film have been permitted? Moreso, would a Congress Government had allowed the release of such a film?

Apologists like Shashi Tharoor of the Congress would have argued that the film is opening wounds that are healing. The same argument is made by the likes of Tharoor to justify the falsifying of history to sanitize the Muslim invasions, murders, rapes, loots, destruction of mandirs, and forced conversions to justify communal harmony. However, in the same breath, false charges are made to demonize the Brahmins, charging that they were responsible for the persecution of Buddhists, their idols, and viharas which evidence has shown otherwise.
Where are the Burnham files? Why have the atrocities of the Burnham dictatorship in Guyana between 1964 and 1992 not been documented for posterity? Indo Caribbean intellectuals are aware of those wrongs but have chosen to flee to greener pasture, change their shirts, and thank the Almighty that their families are now safe!
In Trinidad and Tobago, the Indians have failed to confront issues. Education is not being employed as a tool to fight for social justice but as a ladder to climb out of the cesspool and stand aloof and apart.
Where are the social outreach programs in the community? Other communities have their NGOs and the State to look after their welfare. The Susamachaar community, mainly middle class, is only too happy aiding and abetting the execution of policies that are blatantly discriminatory.
However, the Hindus, instead of working to put systems in place to help the community are busy pursuing their self-interest. Very few have returned after enjoying some success to make a contribution to their community. Even their extended family trapped in poverty are overlooked as they focus on climbing the social ladder.
Dr. Roger Hosein is among a few who have used their expertise to draw attention to social ills. Could you imagine what big difference it would have made if this country had another five academics like Dr. Roger Hosein?
Our over-emphasis on physiological well-being remains our fundamental objective in life. And when that is achieved, we generally descend into a culture of complacency. Self-actualization or concern for law and order, social justice, and equal opportunity seems to be distant from our consciousness.
Where is our outrage for the continued failure of the Rowley administration to open the South Campus, the Reform Hindu School and the Ramai Trace Hindu School? Are we satisfied to just pasray before our 80 inches television screen flicking channels and eating chips while others don’t are without an income?
The Kashmiri Files has confirmed that the Indian National Congress values its vote bank above truth, justice, and the 90,000 Kashmir Pandits. How low politicians can stoop, all in the name of politics! But it is not only politicians. It is an indictment against a culture that places so much trust in securing food, clothing, and shelter at the expense of neighbors and friends. So when Rowley cuss Kamla, I need not say anything because ‘ I want to get an HDC house for my daughter… a contract for my son-in-law …and you know Rohan is my family and it will be wrong to criticize him … and Colm and I were in the same Faculty at Campus…”