President Zelensky’s public talk back to President Trump was reminiscent of Dr Cheddi Jagan’s encounter with President John Kennedy in 1961. If one rebukes the American leadership, you dig your political grave.
The SN editorial, “Clashes and consequences” (Mar 2) was very critical of President’s Trump engagement with visiting Ukraine President Zelensky at the Oval Office of the White House last Friday Feb 28. Zelensky did not follow protocol and was not fawning of his host who was seeking to end the war. Analogously, Jagan was trying to convince Kennedy of the positive aspects of socialism when the Americans were in a war against socialism. Jagan should have allied with the Americans to secure his government in Guyana instead of allying with the communist Soviets.
The Zelensky diplomatic bickering was the first of its kind in that august office and perhaps anywhere in the world involving a public verbal altercation between the leaders of two countries. The facts are not in dispute, but the editorial analysis presents one side of the unforgettable spat. The public is not informed of the advice given to Zelensky by confidants of Trump on what to say in order to win over the American President for aid and support against Russia — not to criticize the President and use flattery. The editorial also failed to critique Zelensky for his failure to restrain his response to the President and VP JD Vance when he knew ahead of time Trump’s offer to end the war. Trump made up his mind on ending the war and cutting off military aid to Ukraine even if it meant conceding Ukraine territory to Russia and it not being a member of NATO. Trump didn’t want to hear anything that would not end the conflict.
As stated by some colleagues au fait with then Cold War politics and international relations, Zelensky’s exchange with the President is reminiscent of our own Dr Cheddi Jagan’s verbiage with then President John Kennedy (1961) that led to his ouster as PM in December 1964, never to return well after the collapse of communism. Cheddi was advised by his AG Fenton Ramsahoye, other aides, global statesmen, and diplomats on what to tell JFK to win him over, including that he was not a communist. Cheddi instead sought to win over JFK by schooling him about shades of socialism (communism) and the superiority of (Fabian) socialism over capitalism when America was engaged in a campaign to crush all forms of socialism (all of which were equated as communism). Cheddi was toppled for ignoring common sense advice on ideology and realism and failing to adhere to rules of order in the IR system, particularly in USA backyard. He failed to play up to the Americans for support for independence and for his own party and his (Indian) supporters who, although the majority group, were excluded from power for 28 years for one basic mistake of Cheddi. Analogously, Zelensky failed to utilize the free unsolicited advice of Trump allies to flatter and win over the President. Zelensky argued with the President and VP in trying to convince them that Putin is a bad guy. No westerner would dispute that Putin is a bully, but he has an arsenal to crush Ukraine that would lack American support. Even with USA support, Ukraine has not been spared if destruction. Zelensky failed to understand basic IR and diplomatic rules on engaging an ally like USA. When one is being crushed in a war, one has to play up to the kindness of a powerful nation (USA that has been the most important ally during the three years old war) for support for the best possible outcome in a peace deal.
Trump and the VP are unfairly and ‘solely’ blamed for the treatment of Zelensky. It takes at least two to become involved in a spat. Depending on which side one is on, President Trump or Zelensky would be blamed and excoriated. The Americans and the world are divided on the war and who is to be blamed for the dispute at the White House. Americans are fed up of the war. Republicans, particularly Trumpers, including Guyanese Americans, as per engagement with the latter for their views on the controversy, are solidly behind their President on the squabble . Democrats are largely sympathetic with Zelensky. Most of Western European leaders are behind Zelensky but there is only so much assistance they can offer Ukraine. There isn’t unlimited money and Europeans voted against incumbents that supported the war. All the rulers of western countries that supported Ukraine lost power — Italy, Germany, UK, USA; and Macron lost his majority in parliament and Canadian PM has resigned. People are fed up of the war because it impacts the quality of their lives. They are feeling it in their pocket books, including us in Guyana and the region. Cost of living more than doubled since the war. Peace is urgently needed. Zelensky should accept Trump’s proposal because the President will not offer a better deal; Zelensky can then negotiate for a lasting peace with Putin without further conflict.
As the editorial noted in the concluding paragraph, President Trump’s America First foreign policy has upended the international order. Weaker or smaller countries, including Guyana, and Ukraine, have to get with the new realpolitik order during the rest of Trump’s Presidency that ends in January 2030 or face the consequences which will not be pleasant. Just look at the results of bilateral meetings between Trump and leaders of the most powerful nations over the last six weeks. The leaders flattered Trump and capitulated to the American President in his demand for fairness. Treat America fair, Trump insisted on trade and defense, and the American public backs him.
Zelensky, like Jagan, seemed to miss the lesson in realpolitik — don’t argue or seek to educate an American President bent on having his way on what he thinks serve the interests of America. The good news is that Trump gave Zelensky a second chance — call if he desires peace and he can come back at the White House to sign the deal. Failing that, Trump will turn off the aid spigot and Russia will further destroy what is left of Ukraine and capture more territory. Europe lacks the capacity to stop Russian further destruction of Ukraine. It is a war that Ukraine can’t win and can’t stop without Trump on its side. And Trump wants to end the war. Zelensky should embrace the Trump deal, good or bad to end the killing and destruction.