From Gokarran Sukhdeo: :
I enjoy these discussions on legendary Mohan Nandu and Gobin Ram, two names I have been acquainted with from the time I could listen to radio. There was another singer who held me in awe when I was a boy. Neville Kallicharran. Unfortunately, I understand he was blinded during the racial riots, and emigrated.
In my younger day, even I used to enjoy that Saturday afternoon Geet Nirala live presentation at Radio Demerara. I recall Neville Harper (Roger Harper’s grandfather). used to dominate.

In the mid-fifties my father had a friend from Bartica who was a great singer. Kaser, by name. The men boasted that when he sung, the zinc sheets in the house vibrated. And the audience would giggle amusingly in disbelief. Happened, he visited us in Wales and spent a few days. I must have been six at the time. And I do recall vividly, the zinc roof of our house indeed rattled when he pitched certain notes.
Might be good if biographic notes could be compiled in some booklet on these icons of TRUE culture. I emphasize TRUE because I can’t stomach those brawl-house freaks who, in the name of chutney, glorify rum-drinking, derogate our bahen, bhougi and marajins, and carnival-ize our culture. But I stop here lest I antagonize half the Indo-Caribbean population.
Yours truly,