Ominous signs abound, for those who are concerned enough to see it, that Black activists, commentators and politicians and intellectuals are priming their base for anti Indian violence. On social media, hatred is spewed on a daily basis, calling for personal attacks against Indians. One radio commentator showed videos of Indian houses burning in the 1960’s, Police officers and Gov’t employees are boasting on Facebook about their attacks on Indians and encouraging others to do the same. (I have archived screenshots). These race hating actions must be taken seriously. The Opposition must have concluded that with billions coming in via oil revenues that would enhance living conditions and possibly increase crossover votes, time is not on their side. Time to act is now.

I am not the only one urging Indians to prepare. Dr. Turgan Doerga and others recently wrote articles on this issue.
The PPP will not protect Indians, they never have. In fact, they can barely protect themselves, (Sawh murder). Indeed they are the problem as they find it convenient to empower the Opposition and protect their leadesr from criminal prosecution, while denying their own supporters rights guaranteed under the Constitution and international laws Guyana has signed. During the 1998 anti Indian riots, the PPP gave the rioters a 45% pay raise, this after the finance minister (Jagdeo) said the Gov’t can only afford a 3% raise. They set up a commission to investigate “Gov’t run death squad”, none for PNC run death squad.
They set up a Commission to investigate the 2001 election, yet none was set up to investigate the rigging of the 1973, 1979, 1980 and 1985 elections. They brought in “foreign specialists” for the Henry boys because they were Black, none for Haresh Singh. The PPP is practising racial discrimination, against Indians, on a grand scale and they must be held accountable. Show me which laws under the Constitution of Guyana stipulate that PNC officials cannot be held liable for criminal acts, while at the same time receiving a massive amount of pension for their past criminal acts.
If the Opposition decides to attack Indians then Indians must be ready to defend their families and properties, more important those in the Government who are sworn to uphold the laws must also be held accountable for failure to act. Guyana is a signatory member of both the Geneva Convention and the International Criminal Court. Furthermore Guyana agreed with the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Let the PPP be forewarned that three heads of Government are under indictment in the ICC for ethnic crimes (including failure to act, a war crime).
Let the PPP also be forewarned that if they made any secret deal with the Opposition in 1992 in return for free and fair elections or if they made a deal with Pompeo in return for his help in 2020, those are criminal acts under international law and the Constitution of Guyana “aiding and abetting criminal”, and failure to prosecute. I have written before that the PPP most certainly made a deal not to prosecute the riggers in 2020, as the Gov’t showed lackluster interest in setting up a commission of inquiry and Jagan may have brokered a secret deal with the PNC/Carter Center in 1992. Those are all illegal. The PPP are only interested in upholding the election laws.
Indian intellectuals are in intellectual heaven, don’t count on their help. Instead of demanding justice, they’re busy trying to solve the “Guyana racial problem”, with all types of “feelgood solutions” except, of course, law enforcement.
If you are subject to racial attacks like those that occurred in 2020, Please follow these recommendations.
1.Defend yourself and family, you are authorized to do so under international laws.
- Document what is going on around you, take photos, tape speeches, take screenshots of social media posts/photos that may be used as evidence for war crimes.
- Draft a letter to the Attorney General of Guyana, describing what’s happening and invoking your rights under the Constitution, the Geneva Convention and the ICC. Make sure the letter is time stamped, you should also send copies in person or via the internet to the name organization above, the various foreign embassies.
The PPP can be held liable if they receive information that war crimes are being committed, but refuse to act or broker deals with those who perpetuate ethnic violence, like they’d done so many times in the past. Time to hold them responsible for what they swear, and getting paid to uphold, the laws.