Dear Editor,
I again applaud Freddie Kissoon who has been openly writing about atrocities against Indians in Guyana especially when there are Elections. I read Kit Nascimento’s refreshing our minds of a young girl’s ordeal at the last elections and thank him for waking up at the reality of the plight of Indians in Guyana but wait….did this only just happen because Granger and Harmon tried to “steal” the last elections?
Only a cohesive country can progress and prosper – Kaieteur News (
I ask Kit Nascimento, where were you when Burnham, your Founder Leader rigged elections time and again? And Indians in Guyana were attacked, murdered during those dark days? Where were you in those days when the foods that Hindus needed for their Religious practises were banned? And where were you in the aftermath of October 1992? My siblings were reeling from the sudden demise of our father and were faced with dealing with the racist mobs that kept on attacking Indian owned businesses and this continued in 1998 and afterwards and did not abate with Mo fya and Slo fya.

What about these years, Kit? You want to know how it feels like to grow up as an Indian female in Guyana? You wonder when it will be you turn to be rape and brutalised. I was shown by a “black” man in the middle of Regent Street what he would do to me and how he knew where to find me. What did I do to warrant this? I was driving and a mini bus ran into my new car’s rear and I demanded that we go to Brickdam. I was surrounded by a mob of Black people,do not know where they appeared from in a moment. I put on a brave face but my knees were like water when I sat in the car later. A “black” man can dare to do that to an Indian female in the busy downtown street, in front of many shoppers and some store owners….why, Kit?
Tell me Kit, why were you silent in all these years of atrocities and genocidal attacks on Indians in Guyana? Do you know what it is like to walk in my shoes? The Elder and you have done a sudden awakening like a latter-day Rip Van Winkle but is it all words? Is it your attempt at redemption for the afterlife or maybe salvage your past itihaas? Some Guyanese have shallow memories, granted but not all of us do. And the feeble sic attempts that many are doing in trying to rewrite and change history will make the victims of pogrom in Guyana, feel worse than ever, proverbially packing salt into lifetime sores. I wonder, will you kneel for Indian lives in Guyana, Kit?
N. Sahadeo