“The problem in this country isn’t so much the outspokenness of the ignorant majority. It’s the silence of the intelligent minority.” ‐ PAOLO KERNAHAN
(See below)
“Reminds me of FORBES BURNHAM RACIST DICTATORSHIP when the intelligent either fled or remained quiet, and CARICOM was a willing accomplice. Same in TT today.
CARICOM did not send GE or LG observers, they were happy to attend Rowley’s farcical CRIME event, were grateful ROWLEY took over the CARICOM event from Dominica or another island, and Mia seems to be cooperating with the PNM regime re: kidnapping of a Trini in her country.
The real tragedy is the Opposition UNC is simply incapable of battling the PNM who have no fear of the UNC, and at times seem to be toying with this hapless UNC e.g. the recent CRIME TALKS FIASCO that appeared to be a ruse since Rowley threw a bone before he left for the UN.
I am sure the UNC want to do better, want to be stronger, they have good intentions, and want to be a better Opposition, but the immense tragedy is this current UNC just cannot do better but want to stay there.”
Also, neither the MEDIA nor the INTELLIGENT MINORITY is required or should be expected to do the job of the official Opposition, especially when the OPPOSITION is so ineffective but refuses to lift their levels of intellect, skills, talent etc by recruiting some of that intelligent minority.
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