Dear Editor,
The nomination of Israel B Rajah Khan by Kamla Persad Bissessar to be President of Trinidad and Tobago raises some interesting points.
Given the last-minute announcement of Mr. Khan’s name, it seems reasonable to believe that Kamla did not have the necessary time to consult her party members or that she chose to ignore their views altogether.
Israel Khan has denied that he is a member of the UNC, and he may be technically correct, but photographs showing him on stage at a UNC party function seem to indicate some type of affiliation. It could be that he has political aspirations!

Rajah Khan has indicated that he publicly chastised Kamla, even ‘going to town on her’, on many occasions. However, at no time did she acknowledge his scathing comments or even apologize for accepting silk and calling a Senior Counsel a CEPEP lawyer. Perhaps the leader of the UNC has absolutely no regard for the views of the learned Senior Counsel and as such summarily dismissed him.
Mrs.Bissesar is reputed to take a dim view of persons opposing her and Israel Khan, as well-intentioned as he may be, could be another fatality of the wiles of Kamla.
Nobody likes a loser!
Rabindra Moonan, San Fernando.