Travelling around Guyana to survey the public on their views about governance issues as well as to assess the state and conditions of communities reveal many social problems. People complain about community marginalization and poverty, among other problems.
Much work needs to be done in rural and outlying communities, areas that historically have been neglected or underserved by succeeding governments since the colonial era. Governments have tried to assist but widespread poverty and social and infrastructure problems are overwhelming. The present government has made continued efforts to reach the poor of all communities with various forms of grants (agriculture, cash relief, education, school uniform, old age pension, disability, housing, etc.) and other social welfare assistance. Problems are formidable and government can’t meet all demands and needs. Businesses, charitable organizations and grant foundations as well as generous individuals, including from the diaspora, have also stepped in to assist underserved areas. The diaspora, including this writer, has helped with a lot of cash assistance, food hampers, and medical outreaches including distributing medical kits. Some local businesses have assisted more than others. Regrettably, some local businesses that have made a lot of money have very tight hands and have not helped the poor at all.

The public and government should commend the charitable activities of Mohamed Enterprises and several other socially responsible businesses that served the neglected, marginalized, poor, and dispossessed. Mr. Nazar (Shell) Mohamed is the founder of the business. As I read in the media, Mohamed Enterprises and several other businesses have helped communities and low-income people with cash grants and other forms of charitable assistance including to build homes. The media notes that Mohamed Enterprises helped to rehabilitate schools, build flush toilets at community health centers and schools, and offered scholarships to poor students (especially from Essequibo). the business is noted for giving out continuous cash grants to poor college bound students and dozens of others and also offered other forms of charitable assistance. The helping hand of Mohammed’s corporate welfare has touched many should be emulated by other businesses. Corporate charitable assistance is critical to address pressing needs of low income folks and communities.